Is it really true you want to go back? Why do you ask? Did someone ask you and /or you read something in the WT/A?Maybe your invit to a D.C?Maybe you do not believe the Scholars on this forum?
i am a baptized jw that faded some years back.
in those days i deeply believed in the org and became disillusioned by some things happening in the local congregation.
following some research on the net i decided to fade out of watchtower existence because i did not want to keep mixing with false religion (or so i thought at the time).
Is it really true you want to go back? Why do you ask? Did someone ask you and /or you read something in the WT/A?Maybe your invit to a D.C?Maybe you do not believe the Scholars on this forum?
that was the new book released at the d.c. some observations:they made reference to john 3:16.i noticed they referred to it a number of times,but only mentioned the 1st part about the ransom and not the part"in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life".
in the book "come be my follower" they criticize christendom and what it 12 they state the purpose of the book"its aim is,not to give a complete summary of the life and ministry ofjesus,"than on page 22 they state "the study aid,will make a careful study of the life and ministry of jesus".
also on page 12 and page 28 they say see "the greatest man who ever lived" and" what does the bible really teach?
That was the new book released at the D.C. Some observations:They made reference to John 3:16.I noticed they referred to it a number of times,but only mentioned the 1st part about the ransom and not the part"IN ORDER THAT EVERYONE EXERCISING FAITH IN HIM MIGHT NOT BE DESTROYED BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE"
In the book "Come Be My Follower" they criticize Christendom and what it believes.Page 12 they state the purpose of the book"Its aim is,NOT to give a complete summary of the LIFE AND MINISTRY OFJESUS,"Than on page 22 they state "The study aid,WILL make a careful study of the LIFE AND MINISTRY OF JESUS"
Also on page 12 and page 28 they say see "The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived" and" What Does the Bible Really Teach?" published by Jehovah's Witnesses. When you look at those books both are published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York,Inc. Brooklyn.New York,U.S.A. and International Bible Students Association Brooklyn,New York,U.S.A.
So if I'am one of Jehovah's Witnesses and a publisher of "Come Be My Follower" I can give anyone permission to reproduce and sell any portion of this book.
when i look around at all the people in the world, i'm comforted to know that jehovah will soon destroy them.. i'm talking about people that don't attend our encouraging christian meetings.
yes, people that don't zealously participate in the preaching of the good news.
'what good news?
Just to show the mental thinking of a JW.When doing the weekly Bible reading in Ezekiel Ch.9 where Jehovah gave instructions to KILL every old man, young man, virgin and LITTLE CHILD.I was asked if I would kill those people.I said never, I'am not a murderer besides to kill a little baby is insane.The person said, what you would not do what Jehovah asked? My reply,it make me sick to the stomach that you would even ask me such a question.
it's official; they read the letter tonight that puts forth the new procedure.
if you find an expelled person in the field or are studying with one, you are no longer permitted to give them lit.
presumably the elders make a decision if an expelled one is regularly attending meetings, but only they can give them lit.
So they (GB) finally gave up on the Watchtower,because people caught on to their lies and it's no longer profitable.Just use the Bible.
ok just got back from the dc in kansas city.
i know there has been a thread on the dc already but i will post "highlights" or lowlights depending on one's opinion, of the dc in kc on this thread.. 1) bethel speakers so far 1 from patterson bethel, 1 from brooklyn bethel and 1 from walkill bethel + governing body speaker anthony morris 111. friday major talk on christ on last talk by morris.
illustarted earthquake in armenia few yaers ago.
So they want us to advertise their convention.However,in a letter to ALL Congregations,they want us(slaves) to transfer any food we get from a Fast food deli's to plain brown bags and not bring any packages with commerical labels.My question to GB/FDS/WTBTS.A.MORRIS.why are you misleading the people who rent the facility?Is it all about money?You want me to wear my convention tag(badge) and witness to the person that I'am buying food from and than .....tell them to put it in a brown bag.Come on now ,he is in business,he paid a lot of money to have his name on those containers.
I'll have some thoughts on Education..later.
this is a fun brochure to read after you have been out for awhile makes you realize how crazy it all was.. i listed some good quotes, there's more.. .
spirits have no tlived and died on earth (cept those bad angels before the flood).
spirits exist!
Moonanchu,you bring up a very interesting point.Just look at the Revelation book that the brainwashed JW's are studying.In that bible based publication by the FDS/GB,they mention that some of those 144,000 that died and are in heaven today are in fact communicating truth to the FDS/GB.
loyal to christ and his faithful slave.
what interesting points: cross, christmas, pyramid.
q12, 13) what scriptural reasons are there for showing respect for the slave class?.
Thaks for the review,Blondie
This week WT is so full of lies,its like the Devil himself is talking to JW's.Neutral during WW1,look at your history FDS/GB.What about the steadfasters you kicked out during the chism and the Judge JFR took control.You mentioned the FDS/GB providing food at the proper time,who will supply the garbage after they are gone.Oh,you are subltely lacing your mags with the elders CO's,DO's from the other sheep taking over control.Who provided this food from 33ce until 1879...the FDS/GB from caves.Where were their material HQ- bldgs.ENOUGH.
i agree with most of the 'benefits' he describes from the religion - particularly the civil liberties they have gained in the us.
story is one-sided, but ok.. by joel p. engardioplease excuse me if i ever disrupted your laundry, yard work or nap by knocking on your door.
The Judiciary is a branch of the Government.So in a sense when the WTBTS uses the courts the WTBTS are in fact taking part in the Government.So the WTBTS in not neutral.It does not matter how many court cases the WTBTS won they are involving themselves in politics.If you belong to a union and go on strike.The Union will ask you to picket and as a Jehovah's Witnesses if you do, the WTBTS will come down on you like a ton of bricks.
When GAYS and LESBIANS use the courts and win all of their freedom and rights, the WTBTS better not say a word about the life style of the GAYS and LESBIANS.The WTBTS better CONDONE the life style of the homosexual community because the courts have rule in their favor.So we should not hear any negative remarks at SAD, Circuit Assemblies,District Conventions or any publications be it the Watchtower or Awake, otherwise the GAYS and LESBIANS can and should use the courts and sue the WTBTS for malicious libel.
comments you will not hear at the 04-29-07 wt study (march 15, 2007, pages 21-25)(angels).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Thanks for the review,Blondie.I hope you are better.
This weeks topic is Angels.
Why doesn't Father Jehovah control his brats(angels) and teach them some morals.He had millions of years yet he let them materialize as males and caused havoc for thousands of years for our human parents.He only gave our greenhorn human babes only one chance and killed them.Not only did he kill them but in a cruel way he dround our baby brothers and sisters.By the way did he kill those naughty male angels who unmaterialized.
then the end will matthew 10:23.. *** w97 8/15 p. 14 par.
" turn to pages 82-4, and read paragraph 21.. bible.
then read 1 peter 5:7 and paragraph 11 on page 11.
Thanks for the review, Blondie.You get better now,you hear.
Preachers of Christendom.....unscriptual.Look in the mirror FDS/GB/WBTS.aka lawyers.The 1914 generation,the 1918/1919 FDS/anointed gone just like the DODO bird.