You better believe J.W. have different requirements.Why do you think they have their own unique watchtower.The J.W are a unique people,not normal,lack thinking ability thus their own instruction manual(wt) on how to think.They are a sad case.
Posts by bobld
Scriptural Christian requirements v JW Christian requirements
by Must obey! inthe scriptural requirements to be a good christian are refreshingly few and simple, perhaps encapsulated by these few scriptures (nwt):.
matthew 7:12 all things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the law and the prophets mean.
1 john 3:16 for god loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.. acts 15:28 for the holy spirit and we ourselves have favored adding no further burden to you, except these necessary things, 29 to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication.
Is there a Universal Issue? Did God cheat....yes and I can prove it.
by oompa ingen. 3:5 for god knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like god, knowing good and bad.".
(genesis 3:22) 22 and jehovah god went on to say: "here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,".
gen 3:22and the lord god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:i awoke this morning and had an epiphiny.
God changed the lanuage of the people.Please explain why he wrote the instruction book the Bible in one lanuage.I believe he is an idiot.Why would anyone want this ruler and pledge allegiance to this idiot.
Context and Consistency
by DT insince i was born into the wts, i suffered from a lot a brainwashing before i could even read.
i had a lot of preconceived ideas before i started to read the bible.
i assumed that it was consistent, so when i came across apparent contradictions, i assumed there were reasonable explanations and even tried to make them up.
Bible is not consistent.Ex1.Mosiac law given only to one nation.Law done away with after J.C.Ex.2 read Numbers ch:19 is there any micro benefit today,any education value,any spiritual value,any emotional value.Ex3 you can go thru the whole Bible particular the O.T.and it has as much value as numbers ch:19.Note, law of J.C. was to ALL nations,but only a few rx'd it.Nations like China,India had their own brand of religion.
by LadyCCC ini remember when 911 happened on the world trade center, a lot of people that were inactive or disfellowshipped starting showing up at the kingdom hall.
there was a lot of gossip about how a few people were confessing to the elders about sins committed inthe past.
it seems as though people were thinking it was armageddon time.
Most dedicated slaves to the WBTS believe ARMIE(short for armageddon) is just around the corner.Why,because the faithful slave told them.So when things like 911 happen they say see the fds is right.Remember Dec26/2004 earthquake and flood in Indonesia.Yeah ARMIE is here.Santa Claus farted, here comes ARMIE,here comes ARMIE,you better be good or elder elf will DF you.
Humans benefits from creation
by bobld inhuman technology have been opened up by studying living things.examples:airplanes by study of birds wings,air-conditioning,jet-propulsion,paper,antifreeze,just to name a few.all designed and very beneficial for mankind.. than i saw "march of the penguins" a very good movie.there was something about that movie that struck me.but what,then it hit know one of those aha moments.the wbts designed the pioneer shuffle after studying the know walking doggedly,short steps,strange to other people.they are a sight to behold,walking in blizzard conditions.iam sure you saw some waddling in the winter storm that hit the usa these past few weeks.why or who would make a bird suffer starvation.-80 degrees,100 mph wind.. bob.
Human technology have been opened up by studying living things.Examples:Airplanes by study of birds wings,air-conditioning,jet-propulsion,paper,antifreeze,just to name a few.All designed and very beneficial for mankind.
Than I saw "March of the Penguins" a very good movie.There was something about that movie that struck me.But what,then it hit me.You know one of those AHA moments.The WBTS designed the pioneer shuffle after studying the penguins.You know walking doggedly,short steps,strange to other people.They are a sight to behold,walking in blizzard conditions.Iam sure you saw some waddling in the winter storm that hit the USA these past few weeks.Why or who would make a bird suffer starvation.-80 degrees,100 MPH wind.
Is there a Universal Issue? Did God cheat....yes and I can prove it.
by oompa ingen. 3:5 for god knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like god, knowing good and bad.".
(genesis 3:22) 22 and jehovah god went on to say: "here the man has become like one of us in knowing good and bad, and now in order that he may not put his hand out and actually take [fruit] also from the tree of life and eat and live to time indefinite,".
gen 3:22and the lord god said, behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:i awoke this morning and had an epiphiny.
oompa I like your posts.Many will use illustrations about God's soverignty or right to rule.I say who gives a rats ass it's all wbts bullshit and it stinks to high pluto.
Boy,wbts is getting desparate.The waters are drying up in western lands.They can see how China is exploding economically so they want their slaves to learn Chinese to they can get in on the bottom.Yeah they are very materalistic.It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.and don't you forget it you slaves,keep slaving for a corrupt oganization.For those dirty satan lovers in $%%$&*..They are good decivors
WTS response to 9/11
by Robert7 ini'm sure this has been discussed in length, but i'm a newbie :).
one item that really shocked me, back when i believed this was 'the truth' was the lack of response to the 9/11 attacks.
as all of us, we were really shocked and really were looking for comfort at the meeting (school/service meeting).
Yeah the wbts really helped 9/11 by preaching.An experience was given how an elder with open Bible was giving comfort hope.When a Roman Catholic priest came along, the elder asked what was he the priest doing there.The elder said the priest "said I am getting some water for the workers" and sheeply walked away.Also the priest was not offering any hope like the righteous elder.
My thought the priest walk away to get much needed water and was very helpful.Iam sure the workers appreciated the water greatly.You know the saying a time for everything.Dumb ass elder/wbts/gb.
So what would you find if you only read the Bible?...........
by oompa ini tried this a few years ago.
i read the gospels right before the memorial.
jesus, i noticed, did not answer some questions his friends asked him.
I sure would not find it beneficial.No I take that back, being a farmer it tells me how to get rid of unwanted cats.Drown them,sorry cats lovers.One more thing it sure tells you how to fight wars and kill people.It also tells you of sacred secrets which don't help anyone.Why write an instruction book for mankind that is totally useless.Who give a rats ass that some stupid shit riding an ass and hangs himself in a oak tree.Only to have 3 spears put into his heart taken down and gang beaten.Who wants to watch LA news report every figgin murder,shit happens.
Tenesee Baby JW Gets Blood Products - Parents go to court.
by Gerard in
thursday, 12/27/07.
faith, medicine collide in life-threatening casevu gets court order to use blood for baby of jehovah's witnesses.
Per Heston of HLC, life is in that blood.Why do you WBTS hide behind the Bible and change you policy on blood.You say J.W. can now take BLOOD FRACTIONS which are made from BLOOD.Total hypocrites.