You know what! I can't pay the $6000 that I owe the IRS in taxes for last year 2008...and I might lose my job at anytime.
I will not send a check to the IRS in April. That is my stimulus for survival. UP YOURS Obama!
!........have i jumped the republican party too soon?......ron kirk us trade representative pic owes nearly $10,000 in back taxes on improper deductions and unreported income!
!.........say it ain't so this any indication of what the average democrat does?....or just those with some coin?.......i hope just those with coin which is of course everyone obama has picked.....i guess the more taxes are raised on the "rich"....the better they get at figuring out ways to avoid paying them.......i do find this disturbing.............oompa.
You know what! I can't pay the $6000 that I owe the IRS in taxes for last year 2008...and I might lose my job at anytime.
I will not send a check to the IRS in April. That is my stimulus for survival. UP YOURS Obama!
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
ommpa, Yes yes and yes.....Thanks for bringing my attention to Gorda BVI Bath....My next vacation destination.
What a lovely place
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
Ommpa! I did a google on Gorda the place to retire! When are we leaving?
once they decide to believe or not believe something---that's it.
no evidence, no logic, no proof will change them.
what a waste!.
Isn't the book of Revelation all about a conspiracy to take over the earth?
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
Not around the country of Samolia I hope.....Can anyone here remember when the world was relatively safe to sail? I can remember walking into a jet plane with my parents and all we had to prove was we had ticket to board.
my christmas party thread on jwd was a smashing success.
in view of that success, and because i am bored to tears with winter, i think it's time for another ongoing party thread.
this time i want us to charter a yacht.
What if we all chipped in and bought a sailing yacht oompa ..... where will we go?
jesus said "i go to prepare a place so that i may come back (for you) and receive you there.".
"flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god.".
perhaps one of these planets are destined to support our new glorified bodies after the resurrection.. i do not believe there can be a paradise restored on this contaminated earth.
I have seen a few of those mutations in Obama;s administration...take a good look at Geither...he is soooo creepy with the black eyes and pointed ears and the way he stares at a person
JWs obey the 12 old men of the Watchtower without question...The 12 are GODS
this is from the pakistani news is her opinion apparently - sammieswife.. .
written by sunday, 01 february 2009 01:09"another israeli spokeswoman, tzipora menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the israeli onslaught on gaza might have on the way the obama administration would view israel.
she said 'you know very well, and the stupid americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the white house.
Didn't God say somwhere in the Bible that the Jews would never own the land of Israel again because they continued to disobey him. They can't say they own the land can they?
Not when they have to fight for it all the time.
this happened the same day the plane crashed in new york, the second plane.. .
man charged in beheadingfounder of buffalo tv station aimed at depicting muslims in positive light accused of killing wifefeb 15, 2009 04:30 amjohn goddard .
Front page news in the MSM if a christian radio master had done this