The states should get back to governing the citizens of their state and only except money they usually are provided by the Federal goverment as it has always been that way. For education, repair of roads and so on. States have to learn to live within their means just has we do. No more over spending and living high on the hog. There is no need for Trillions of dollars to be wasted. Obama is breaking this Nation because he made promises to his Zombies and Acornics. Some Governors are smart enough to see through this President.
Posts by Ri
Should Towns Have The Right To Curfew Teens From 11p.m. to 5a.m.?
by minimus inin one massachusetts city, there's a teen curfew fromm11 to 5. actually, 9 other communities have this curfew in the state.. some are saying such a curfew is unconstitutional.. what's your view?
if a group of kids took a train into boston, for example, and went to a ballgame, should they be penalized if they are returning home between those hours?.
Zoned out ' friends.'
by strawberry cake inthis is a note i got from an old 'friend' when i contacted her on facebook.
she was one of my closest jw 'friends' who shunned me, yet would greet me if she saw me in town or at an event.
i thought she had some independent thought: i was wrong.
Ask your friend to meditate upon the question of: Is it Jehovah or is it the Watchtower she worships because the two are not the same.
Wait a minute... I thought Jesus paid for our sins.
by Elsewhere inif this is true, then why do people still die at all?.
I never understood why Jesus said he would be back and we are to wait for him...over 2000 years is a little to long, isn't it?
Have any of you just handed the book COC to a jw friend or relative?
by cawshun inif so, how did it go over, good or bad?
It takes time to get the Watchtower mindset out of your control....So in the beginning you are afraid to show anti watchtower stuff
2009 "Keep On the Watch!" Convention Preview
by garlic81 in2009 keep on the watch district conventionfriday - prove yourselves ready mt 24:44. am.
chairman's address.
conventions help us to remain watchful.
It should read "Keep on the watch for Pedophiles in your congregation"
Today at the meeting we got a gift from Jehovah!
by Albert Einstein intoday at the meeting we were told by the co, that we got a gift three months ago!
the gift we got is the one more free evening weekly, because of the new meeting arrangement.
this gift was given to us by jehovah through faithfull an discreet slave.
All part of the brainwashing...haha
What Advice Would You Give To Anyone Who's Thinking Of Going Back To The Witnesses?
by minimus inwhen certain old friends love bomb you or try to make you think of the "good old days", what do you suggest to help them appreciate the reality of things?.
I would tell them " I have learn the defference between God and the Watchtower Org. and prefer and chose God. ( however I will use the name Jehovah for their understanding)
who has been even kinda wealthy....then poor?...
by oompa ini know it is happening a bunch in the usa....and ya...jesus said the poor will aways be with us.....but is it true that the rich are no happier than the poor? there a middle ground where happy flourishes?
i am not poor by any means, but my income is about to change bigtime!
and i am just not lookin forward to it.........oompa.
Elsewhere......Obama beat you to it
who has been even kinda wealthy....then poor?...
by oompa ini know it is happening a bunch in the usa....and ya...jesus said the poor will aways be with us.....but is it true that the rich are no happier than the poor? there a middle ground where happy flourishes?
i am not poor by any means, but my income is about to change bigtime!
and i am just not lookin forward to it.........oompa.
If you were born poor, you never notice, especially if you have a close nett's beans and rice all week except on Sunday...a special day to have Mom and Dad were good cooks and so our meals tasted good anyway. Sometimes we had oatmeal for breakfast or toast with margarine. It was kinda embarrassing going to school with holes in my shoe. The teacher's never paid any attention to me cause I wasn't in their upper class society. Well that was the it didn't bother me. Some kids were worse off.
Later on in life with hard work I made it to the upper middle class and I can tell tell you...It can help to have money and money CAN make you happy in many ways. Just don't let go of your morals and keep your feet on the ground and remember from where you came.
The Internet (what year did you first have access)
by Ri ini first had access to the internet in 1994. i thought it was amazing all the information at my fingertips.
i have no idea what search engine i used before google..
Thank You all for your answer and information....I didn't expect so many comments. I was pleasently surprised.