Anyone here watch "Grey Gardens"? Those people were really strange.
Posts by Ri
Are You Surprised That Some "Intelligent" People Still Are Witnesses?
by minimus ini know some very sharp men and women that remain as jws and that perplexes me at times.
i even know of a jw whose daughter got molested by her jw ministerial servant uncle and she still believes this is the "truth", even though she took her family member to court and won!.
i don't get it..
Being of average intelligence...I wouldn't know , but .... Most reasonable people are searching for something that holds their life together and gives them meaning for living because they are afraid of death. Along comes a knock on the door with the answer to their prayers.
Why do you hate the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc
by PEC ini am starting the thread to provide a place for everyone tell their reasons for hating the watchtower bible and tract society of new york, inc.. first off i want to say, i do not hate jehovah's witnesses.
i hate the wtbts; because, they kill people with their lunatic blood policy and destroy families with shunning.. my mother at age 48, was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
the tumor could have been removed with surgery; but, that would have required blood so it didn't happen.
Bacause the WTS is one BIG Ponze scheme--You pay for everything and own nothing.
If You Won A Million $$$ How Would You Spend It?
by minimus inimagine hitting the lottery and clearing a cool million!
what would you do with all that money?.
Buy a nice houseboat and travel the rivers of the Mississippi to sponser poker parties==pay to play
Deepest sympathies to all ex-JWs who've been hurt by the 'WORLD'
by ziddina inthis topic is in sympathy for all jehovah's witnesses visiting this site who have had bad experiences after they left the jws and went out into the world.
i've heard many ex-jehovah's witnesses saying, "well, i went into the world and found nothing but trouble!!
people were mean to me!
Although I was a witless for more years than I want to think about...I am thinkful I have an Independent mind ... I got fooled because I thought they had the answers to the scriptures . I stayed because I kept hoping for something that never came. I had questions they couldn't answer . I left because they were comparing themselves to men of the Bible and even Jesus.
We predicted World War I - How would you answer?
by VM44 insome old timer jws (and probably some newer ones as well) say that they (the watchotwer) predicted world war i which broke out in 1914.. they apparently truly believe that statement.. how would you answer?.
Jws might have it wrong about 1914 and the end of the world....but if you look at it as the start of "the end of peace among Nations" you will be spot on! Every decade since, is a surprise . We never know what the next decade will bring and it seems to get worse and worse. The world is not as safe today as it was just 10 years ago.
What do you think the world will be like 10 years from now?
Memorial "observers" - meditate on this before rejecting the emblems!
by yadda yadda 2 indo you have gods spirit?.
...we, in turn, might receive the adoption as sons.
now because you are sons, god has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts and it cries out: abba, father!
"If I were to "partake" I would do so in a real church, where people actually try to worship God. You don't see "worship" in kingdom halls. All you see is something that resembles an Amway or Primerica meeting.
LMAO, Yes, Amway or Primerica.....When I begin to wake up and realize the WTS is one gaint franchise that's when I wanted out.
Sales of Bethel premises and transfer of millions to Brooklyn ?
by Nick! insales of bethel premises and transfer of millions to brooklyn ?.
just heard a very surprising and unbelievable news which i want to share with you and ask whoever has the right connections higher up in the borg, if this kind of news can be double checked for reliability.. .
the source of the information is believed to be reliable as it seems to be intimately related to some officials of the branch.
It's a great big PONZE operation....Madoff took lessons from the WTS
Long time lurker, 1st time poster
by Mattieu inwell where do i start, perhaps will go into more detail later, though briefly - 40 years young, raised in the truth (kingdom baby, which meant i was never going to make it to primary/secondary school/work/get married/have kids....) former ms, regular pioneer, learnt 3 foreign languages, served in foreign language group, married (wife still goes to meetings), beautiful kids, baptised at 15 years of age, regular pioneer at 15, grew up in divided house.. .
hmmm, will go into my issues with all things organisational later, though firstly want to apologise, for being a self righteous spiritual pratt who did things by the book and sat with other elders/mss and prejudged others for not doing enough and having a wrong attitude about all matters spiritual and organisational.
i stepped down as an ms over a year ago (they were grooming me to be an elder), havent been to a meeting in 3 months, i knew it wasnt the truth for a number of years and have struggled badly the last few years.
Good to read your post Mattieu...Look forward to reading more of your story
Should Towns Have The Right To Curfew Teens From 11p.m. to 5a.m.?
by minimus inin one massachusetts city, there's a teen curfew fromm11 to 5. actually, 9 other communities have this curfew in the state.. some are saying such a curfew is unconstitutional.. what's your view?
if a group of kids took a train into boston, for example, and went to a ballgame, should they be penalized if they are returning home between those hours?.
Yes, I just realized I posted on the wrong thread sorry about that