Hei Clueless!
God jul!
Welcome to JWD! I'm a Scandinavian too (Norge), and I can relate to your "problem". Communicating in a language that's not your own can be demanding. I use my dictionary a lot, and I'm sure that it takes me more that twice the time to write a post than the average English speaking poster. But being on this forum have really improved my English the last year. And I don't feel bad about wrong spelling, not as long as there also are many errors among the native speakers
One thing that might be more difficult is the difference in culture. And as this is a written forum, spotting irony and humour (that's obvious for some members) is very difficult for others, unless the poster adds a smiley or something
I also learned that people are different and that while some tolerate almost anything, others feel deeply hurt by the smallest thoughtless comment. We also should keep in mind what many of us has gone through, and not jump to conclusions, and to give people the benefit of the doubt. JWD should not be a bad experience!
It really would be nice to have a forum for all us non-English speaking (e.g. Scandinavian), but I have not found a forum as active, supporting and informative as this one. Yes, people say and do stupid things, but we are just people.
Clueless, feel free to PM me at any time, and you're of course welcome to write in Swedish if you like
Posts by kifoy
Respecting Opinions (Remember English is a second Language)
by cluless iniam insenced?.
i have followed debates on this site.
and i have concluded that the power of the written word is argumentative.
So who went out in field service on Christmas?
by mavie inmy congregation would have a special service day on all holidays, including christmas.
in order to avoid knocking to early on homeowners doors we would meet at 10am instead of 9:30am.
we would always have the hardcore group ready ard raring to go on dec 25th.
We would always avoid the Christmas days. And also other times that would be regarded as really disrespectful to knock on doors, such as during the evening news (when I was a child we only had one TV channel), and during the biggest sports events.
I was knocking on doors during the football cup final (soccer) one year. And we only met people who were really grumpy because we disturbed them during the final.
So we never did that again.
kifoy -
Field ministry blooper reel:
by Awakened07 in-did you ever stuff up your presentation while going door-to-door?.
i remember one beautiful summer day, me and my 'partner' were slowly approaching a man working in his garden.
it was warm, it was sunny, it was beautiful, it was peaceful and quiet - you might say it was "paradise".
Me and my best friend at the time (we were about 14-16 years old), walked to a house, rang the door bell, and waited.
It took awhile, and no-one answered. We were just standing there small talking, and suddenly the door burst open. Both of us just jumped in the air -- and started laughing.
And we could not stop laughing. Imaging, two girls of that age...
I can't remember if it was my turn or not, but I think we someway managed to give away a couple of magazines and walked away. Laughing and really embarrassed.
kifoy -
Good to the Last Drop
by purplesofa inthis is a talk i did in 2000, i was going through some old papers and came across this........laugh at me, lol, i don't mind.
i was a good sister!!!!!.
what i think is important about this is, i gave the talk in 2000, i was on this board in 2005, and last month i was a small voice on the phone to a radio station speaking against the wt about the disfellowshipping and shunning policies when a member gets a blood transfusion.. there is hope for those that seem hardcore in.. .
The newspaper article is dated March 15. So must have been the week after you!
Ah. Of course. I guess there were a few weeks of similar topics.
Anyway, it was kind of fun (and kind of boring) to find and read these old talks again.
I usually played out a "bible study" or a "revisit" in my talks, it seems. Though, in my real JW life, I never had a bible study, and almost never had a revisit...
kifoy -
Good to the Last Drop
by purplesofa inthis is a talk i did in 2000, i was going through some old papers and came across this........laugh at me, lol, i don't mind.
i was a good sister!!!!!.
what i think is important about this is, i gave the talk in 2000, i was on this board in 2005, and last month i was a small voice on the phone to a radio station speaking against the wt about the disfellowshipping and shunning policies when a member gets a blood transfusion.. there is hope for those that seem hardcore in.. .
I just noticed that you wrote:
This is a talk I did in 2000
Wow! Maybe we did the same talk?
kifoy -
Good to the Last Drop
by purplesofa inthis is a talk i did in 2000, i was going through some old papers and came across this........laugh at me, lol, i don't mind.
i was a good sister!!!!!.
what i think is important about this is, i gave the talk in 2000, i was on this board in 2005, and last month i was a small voice on the phone to a radio station speaking against the wt about the disfellowshipping and shunning policies when a member gets a blood transfusion.. there is hope for those that seem hardcore in.. .
Wow. It's really busy living in a small town and belonging to a small cong.
Look at my schedule for 2000:
2000.01.18 – 4th talk – Simeon: God Rewards Those Who Faithfully Awaits Him
2000.03.07 – 3rd talk – Blood Transfusion Violates the Blood's Holiness – (Now look at that, I too had a Blood Talk)
2000.05.09 – 3rd talk – Using a Cross in Worshipping is Wrong
2000.06.28 – 3rd talk – The Earth Was Made to be a Paradise
2000.08.22 – 3rd talk – There is no Burning Hell
2000.10.24 – 4th talk – God's Qualities
2000.11.21 – 4th talk – God's Kingdom, Not the Result of Man's Efforts
(not sure if I translated the topics perfectly)
My Blood Talk also had a happy ending
kifoy -
Good to the Last Drop
by purplesofa inthis is a talk i did in 2000, i was going through some old papers and came across this........laugh at me, lol, i don't mind.
i was a good sister!!!!!.
what i think is important about this is, i gave the talk in 2000, i was on this board in 2005, and last month i was a small voice on the phone to a radio station speaking against the wt about the disfellowshipping and shunning policies when a member gets a blood transfusion.. there is hope for those that seem hardcore in.. .
Oh. Memories...
They're like hollywood, all these talks. Always a "happy" ending, wasn't it?
I don't think any of my talks have been saved from the trash. Maybe that's a good thing.
[Edit: OMG! Just for the fun of it, I searched my CD/DVD archive -- and there I found at least 7 talks from 2000
Oh, and BTW: Thanks for sharing, purple! ] -
1967 - "Lamp Book" PDF
by AlphaOmega in1967 - your word is a lamp to my foot.
this is the book containing the questions for baptism at the time as discussed on this thread :.
Yes, perfect! Thanks a billion!
kifoy -
My years as a Social Misfit - memories come flooding back!
by Princess Daisy Boo inso i was on facebook last night and just started randomly searching names and checking out people i knew, their profiles and friends etc and i came across a whole bunch of names of jw people i knew as a teenager.
a whole host of memories came flooding back, unpleasant and happily forgotten memories.. ... feeling lonley, unpopular, gossip, cliquiness, bitchy comments, feeling like i would never attract a suitable "brother" for courtship and other such silliness.... i went to bed feeling very disturbed and sad and uncomfortable and i had a horrible night.
but the fact is, i am now an adult and i am generally well liked by most i meet (or so i think .
... feeling lonley, unpopular, gossip, cliquiness, bitchy comments, feeling like I would never attract a suitable "brother" for courtship and other such silliness...
Well, I know exactly how that feels!
Sometimes I too have memories and feelings flooding back to me. It's not a good feeling. But thinking about it, that you need to look back to feel that way, it's not that bad either.
Within reason, of course.
When I look back to my teens as a JW, I see a totally different girl that what I have become. I too feel sad when thinking about all the loneliness, and some of the few good friends I had back then.
And finding them (seemingly) happy and well on Facebook, sure is a trigger.
If you're really struggling with this, a little professional help won't hurt. At least it did me good.
Good luck to you!
kifoy -
Where is the most non-religous place to live in the world? Really.....
by oompa innot antartica or some deserted island.
but what coutry or area has virtually no religion?
any ideas?.....now i will google.....oompa.
Sweden is great, mostly because they have a great neighbour
But, to respond to the topic, yes Scandinavia is very secular. Here in Norway it depends on where you go, though. The west and south parts are very religious. But I think it's getting less and less religious the further to the north you go.
The difference between Norway and Sweden is that Norway has a state religion (lutheran) and Sweden has no state religion. So I guess Sweden is a bit more secular.