Yeah, I thought I had you pegged pretty well in that area!
JoinedPosts by truthsearcher
okay, i'm seriously thinking of going back
by bigdreaux ininto the ring.
today i am reflecting on my life pre-katrina.
it was 2 years ago today, i grabbed some clothes at the last minute, and my life changed forever.
okay, i'm seriously thinking of going back
by bigdreaux ininto the ring.
today i am reflecting on my life pre-katrina.
it was 2 years ago today, i grabbed some clothes at the last minute, and my life changed forever.
Okay, you got me...I was thinking to myself "what is up with all these people wanting to go back to the Witnesses these days??????"
And then I thought, "This guy won't last a week--he'll be booted out in no time!"
But now I see that you really just want to get your face legally smashed in. I'm not sure which was the better option, actually...Kingdom Hall? Face smashed in? Kingdom Hall? Face smashed in? Nope, it is no good, I can't decide which would be less painful.
Paul Blizzard endorses the Creation Museum- do you?
by moshe ini saw paul's answer to a reader's question on his watchthetower website this week:.
"we are not saved by knowledge but by simple faith in jesus christ.
when i first got saved i didnt believe in a literal hell.
Yup, I am a creationist, and I hope to visit the museum with my family sometime this year.
The journey begins.
by Stealth453 inat 10pm, i leave home for canada.
it's a 3 day trip.. wish me luck, and i will see you all once i arrive in the frozen north..
Welcome to the True North, strong and free!
Call if you would like to get together for tea
My mom got disfellowshipped.
by reneeisorym inmy mom called tonight to tell me that she got disfellowshipped!!!!.
of course to me this is like the greatest news ever and to her its the worst ever so i'm seriously having a hard time being sympathetic.
i just know this could mean she's out for good and it definately means i've got my mom back.
That was so wonderful to read about the birthday party and going to church together. Remember that there is lots of drama going on in your mom's life too (ie not just yours) right now--she must be feeling really mixed up and torn between your Dad and the JWs and freedom and her daughter. She may even be feeling guilty and maybe looking to blame someone for leading her astray? Give her time, and remember to love her unconditionally even if she goes back to the Witnesses. Your loving actions will speak volumes to her! "By this will all men know that you are my disciples..."
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
One more scripture to think about:
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils:
Speaking lies in hypocrisy: having their conscience seared with a hot iron:
(I Timothy 4:1-2)
"The Seared Conscience: When flesh is "seared with a hot iron" it is cauterized. Its surface is burned, charred, and hardened. A deadened crust of tissue is formed in which there is no longer the sense of feeling. Searing renders it incapable of feeling. It renders it unresponsive, numb to the stimuli it should respond to."
Sounds like the Watchtower to me, any one else agree?
by DannyHaszard inman escapes jail for sex attacksbbc news - 1 hour, 42 minutes agoa jehovah's witnesss gets a community sentence for a series of sex assaults on children and escapes jail for sex attacks porter was put on the sex offenders registera jehovah's witness has escaped a jail term after admitting a series of sexual assaults on children and adults in clevedon.
michael porter, an elder in the religion, pleaded guilty to 24 counts of indecent assault and gross indecency on 13 victims aged 18 months and older.
among the individuals were others involved in the faith.
Nobody on this earth at the moment can convince me that Jehovah would condone this. I really cannot understand what is going on! When since did JW's become apologists for perverts? We really must be at the time of the end.
Do you still stay faithful to Jehovah even though you left. I feel I will always love Jehovah but the organisation that carries his name is beginning to stink I feel I am among satan worshippers.
Jehovah has said 'Their sins have reached clear up to heaven' in this case, it certainly has.
To Millie and other Witness friends who are realizing for the first time how corrupt the Watchtower is:
Yes, this latest news report (and the response of the Witnesses) is yet more sickening evidence of the unclean nature of the Watchtower. The people who are claiming to be Jehovah's representatives on earth are actually whitewashed tombs! Jehovah hates this and wants their true character to be revealed to the world--and this is what is now happening. The instructions to get out of the unclean thing actually apply to the organization--He wants you to get out of the Witness religion! Remember what Scriptures teach and think about it in terms of what you have now learned about the WT cover-up and support of pedofiles:
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
Do you want to stand before the heavenly judge and say that you supported this unclean organization despite the abundant evidence that they were NOT God's people? That evidence is waiting on the Internet for you to discover it, as it has been hidden by the Watchtower.
There are many who have left the organization but they have not left Jehovah; rather, they have had the scales of spiritual blindness fall from their eyes. They have read the Scriptures for themselves (not the WT twisted NWT) and have found true peace in a personal relationship with Christ, a heavenly hope and a true reconciliation with their loving heavenly Father.
Please let this horrible incident in Britain be the start of your journey to true freedom in Christ.
I know these are strong words, but strong words are needed at a time like this.
Just to let you know
by Rethinking ini've decided to cut my ties with jws.. i don't post here much as i've stated before, but you all don't realize how much i appreciate this forum and the support it gives..
But, the thing is no matter how big or small a lie is, it is still a lie and JWs continue to swallow them down. It kills me that they say they have the truth, but they wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and smacked them in the face. I think knowing that one thing alone will help me continue in my journey away from it all.
In John 8:32 we read the famous words of Jesus “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
This takes on a whole new meaning when you have uncovered the lies and deception of the Watchtower (anad I know that you have been doing some research, good for you!)
In context, though, this verse is explaining the true path to eternal life that will free us from the penalty of death that we have earned as the wages of our sin. Along with repentance this includes accepting Jesus Christ as our Saviour for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus went on to say in verse 36: “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” Remember Jesus said that HE was the Truth, not some organization.
We know that the Witnesses like to equate leaving their organization with leaving Jehovah, but this is simply not true. You have never said if you are still interested in spiritual things, but I would like to encourage you to keep reading and studying your Bible without the WT scales on your eyes (use a better version than the NWT). You will be amazed at the way they have twisted Scripture to fit their doctrines, and will see that it teaches that you can have a heavenly hope and a personal relationship with Christ.
All the best with your exit, and let us know how things are going for you.
My mom got disfellowshipped.
by reneeisorym inmy mom called tonight to tell me that she got disfellowshipped!!!!.
of course to me this is like the greatest news ever and to her its the worst ever so i'm seriously having a hard time being sympathetic.
i just know this could mean she's out for good and it definately means i've got my mom back.
Renee: Wow, what a turn of events for you!
Bake her one of your awesome cakes to
celebratecommiserate together.Show her the love and peace that you have in your life through a relationship with Jesus instead of the organization. Wrap her in your unconditional love and pray without ceasing for her eyes to be opened.
by Mary inwell i guess this was a long time in coming, but yesterday afternoon, my family all got together and had a bbq at my parents' home.
when my parents left at around 6:00pm to drive my one non-dub sister home, my other sister and brother in law (former elder), stayed for a while longer.. we've never discussed my leaving 'the truth' a couple of years ago but she brought it up last night and we started talking about the religion.
everyone had been drinking but no one was drunk, so alot got said.
Mary, you need to help her to see that she would not be leaving Jehovah by leaving the Witnesses. But, if he Witnesses have in fact become a corrupt group of false teachers (or always were) then she NEEDS to leave them for her own spiritual health!
I wish you the best in your discussions. You said that you and she were very similar in personality. Can you imagine having 2 Mary's on this discussion board? What a powerful impact you two could have!