I do think that there is some idolatry towards crucifixes in the RC church, it was one of the first things which began to rile me when I was in my fading stage. On Good Friday, they had the 'veneration of the cross' where everyone would go and kiss the feet of the figure of Christ on a crucifix. I found I just couldn't do that, I saw it as blatant idolatry, even though its 'only' meant to be a symbolic gesture towards the real Christ. I just couldn't get my head around it at all.
Some Catholics are also very superstitious about the crucifix giving you protection from evil, often why they are hung in houses. The one we had in our house used to keep me on the straight and narrow because it reminded me that Jesus is watching me
I suspect that this is where the WT got its condemnation of the "use of cross in worship"--from the Catholic practices. Then they lumped the rest of evil "Christendom" in with them, even though in our circles (free church tradition) we don't use the cross in worship, nor usually have one inside the building. Yes, to us it does seem somewhat idolatrous and superstitious the way that the Catholics appear to use a cross and the rosary (that's the cross on the beads, that they kiss and say certain prayers with). We do have a cross shaped pattern in the brick work of the front of our church, to identify it as a Christian church building.
As far as wearing a cross, my daughters have very fine silver cross necklaces, which are special to them as a reminder of the gift of salvation. They wear them only occasionally, not in a superstitious or ritualized way.
I have done alot of research on the cross, and I believe that it was a T shaped cross, despite the WT insistence on a stake. But in the end, it doesn't really matter what shape, it was the sacrfice for our sins that was important. However, because the Society MAKES it an issue, then it does matter--for one thing, it points to their use of outdated and biased resources, and lack of scholarship, in order to uphold their peculiar position.
There have been different symbols used in the past by Christians--the anchor was an early one, because it had a a t-shaped mast in it, and as a persecuted group, they were being careful. Also, the fish, lamb, etc. I think an open cave with a rolled away stone would be an appropriate symbol...I didn't think there was anything like that, but a quick search on the Net, and lo and behold...
Empty Tomb Witnessing Pendants...with 3 crosses on a hill and an empty grave.