Hey guys!
I can't wait to tell you something that happened last night. In order to understarnd it, let me give you some details about me first: I'm still an Elder, with my wife and the whole family and friends inside the borg. My dad is an Elder, and my in-law is an elder too.
I had a GREAT conversation with my wife last night. I've been showing her (for some months, and little-by-little) information that doesn't make sense to me anymore. (607, 1914, disfellowshipping, pedophile cases, etc.)
In the beginning, I used to find "a wall", and she used to defend the organization immediately (as we were trained to do). But lately, she's been asking me questions, and looking for information by herself.
I noticed that yesterday she started arguing with her parents (hardcore JW'S) about the "new light" issue. (I wasn't involved in the conversation in any way). She told them that the new light is RECYCLED!! She mentioned specific Rutherford publications that explained the "generation issue" in the 1930's, and then, she noticed how her parents didn't want to analyze the evidence!! She also explained them that it was not fair to disfellowship somebody for having doubts, while there are pedophiles in good stand in the congregation!!!
She was really upset! Later, she vented with me, telling me that her parents didn't use their brains! I asked her: "Did you noticed NOW that we are really a sect? We need to comply with everything the Org. says, without thinking!"
I think that this is great. And I hope that she is really waking up!!
Please, keep us in your prayers. (And if you don't believe in God, at least wish me "Good Luck" ) Hehe!
Have a great day!!!