Jehovah's Witnesses in the last 40+ years have had two 'peak times': the run up to 1975 and the Live Forever book period of 82-95. Since then, they have peaked.
For both times, the key to those periods of growth was that being an elder meant something, and thus, the GB was able to count on relatively strong leadership locally.
Since '95, the changing of the Generation teaching and the rise of the information age (thank you Internet) has caused young men to look on the Internet for two things that would disqualify an elder; porn and real information.
Cults thrive in a bubble. JWs can't legislate information control like they used to be able to. The drip like growth of JWs in Western nations demonstrates this vividly.
Today, most JWs do take a peek about what is said on the Internet. Most know a little about the Conti case. Most new elders are stunned at the sheer amount of letters from the Service Dept on how to handle pedophiles. If you've ever had to handle a pedophile case, it will make you ill. Anyone with a small bit of humanity hate sitting on JCs. Most elders know that 1914 is a joke, and probably are running side bets on when the GB will change the Generation doctrine again.
You add that up, and it's a disaster. Here's what I predict for the future:
Circuit JC's, where the CO and Service Dept pick who is on them.
A return to a small group, or even one, main elder per congregation.