I'm still around. I'm waiting to post till after the election because I don't want to waste my energy arguing politics, and I know I'm still not mature enough to ignore the bullshit.
Hello to old friends.
See y'all soon. :)
i'm still around.
i'm waiting to post till after the election because i don't want to waste my energy arguing politics, and i know i'm still not mature enough to ignore the bullshit.
hello to old friends.
I'm still around. I'm waiting to post till after the election because I don't want to waste my energy arguing politics, and I know I'm still not mature enough to ignore the bullshit.
Hello to old friends.
See y'all soon. :)
7.. walter becker lyrics" hat too flat ".
hat too flat - walter becker - youtube?
hat too flat - walter becker.
1. The latest South Park on Lance Armstrong/Jesus
2. Avoiding right wing bullshit
3. Joe Scarbrough and Anderson Cooper for fair journalism
4. Colbert rules. Still
5. "Outwitting the Devil "by Napolean Hill
6. Exercise 3 times a week
7. Never ever quitting.
In no particular order........
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Life is worth so much more than words. In the grand scheme things, Oompa's legacy will be that, though he was in pain, he acted, and chose not to be a fraud. He left clues here and elsewhere. He was able to help his children, whom I hope will allow their father to live through them just a little.
Oompa reminded me in some ways of my brother, men who were vulnerable because they cared so much. Hurt by a cult they didn't choose to be born into. And ultimately, left us at a time of their own choosing.
i have been repeatedly pleaded with to read the books of ray franz in my short stay on this board.
apparently these are all the all-powerful, wt crushing arguments, that lead so many to leave jw's and become ruthless opposers of god's people.
we can discuss any claims/statements/scriptural arguments presented in either of his books, as long as it somehow proves jehovah's witnesses are not god's people.
By now, I hope we are all used to the occasional troll who does a thread precisely like this to suck on negative energy. There are some JWs who do this. Expect more, not less.
Does anyone read the viewer comments on news articles on sites like CNN? There are tons of sad, vindictive, and hateful cowards who never leave their house, but can't wait to bask in the anonymity of their parents basement to spew crap precisely to look for someone who takes these idiots too seriously.
Count Recovery among that group. A coward with no life who posts garbage in his tighty wightys as bait to validate his pathetic existence.
Comment if you want, but don't be immature and argue with this guy. He's just here to upset you.
i have been repeatedly pleaded with to read the books of ray franz in my short stay on this board.
apparently these are all the all-powerful, wt crushing arguments, that lead so many to leave jw's and become ruthless opposers of god's people.
we can discuss any claims/statements/scriptural arguments presented in either of his books, as long as it somehow proves jehovah's witnesses are not god's people.
As an aside, most former JWs leave because of something other than that book. Whatever.....
i have been repeatedly pleaded with to read the books of ray franz in my short stay on this board.
apparently these are all the all-powerful, wt crushing arguments, that lead so many to leave jw's and become ruthless opposers of god's people.
we can discuss any claims/statements/scriptural arguments presented in either of his books, as long as it somehow proves jehovah's witnesses are not god's people.
C o C is an autobiography of a former GB member who was disfellowshipped because he disagreed with the GB. no need to debate. JWs have never tried to discount his account. They don't care, other than to demonize him by calling him an apostate.
I left JWs after attending Gilead because I learned that the teachings of JWs have changed all to frequently, That none of their "prophecies" have come true, and that they are just another cult.
I read C o C after I left. So I don't care to debate the book. Franz is right, for anyone who cares. But I'm not going to waste my time arguing.
Heres a trivia question: Where is the generation that saw 1914? Six feet under. It was a lie. As Franz demonstrates in C o C.
...and they're clearly in the mood for pushing it on youtube.. .
what is it with all these random youtube channels, each showing polished and highly-produced videos.
They don't get it. Even if YouTube is the perfect forum for them (I.e. 'We talk, you listen'), you still expose JWs and interested ones to the rest of what is on the Internet.
This will kill them. Do you know how easy it is to look for this video and find others? Wow! They are incredibly naive, the GB that is. Who talked them into this?
its clear that GB 2.0 has no idea how to run a cult!
i seem to remember somebody saying that since the 90's the number of elders has declined from 90000 to 60000. does anybody have any hard figures regarding this?.
the organization is desperate for "qualified" men.
but their standards are much too high, especially the monthly field service hour requirements tagged on to endless meetings and congregational busywork.
Jehovah's Witnesses in the last 40+ years have had two 'peak times': the run up to 1975 and the Live Forever book period of 82-95. Since then, they have peaked.
For both times, the key to those periods of growth was that being an elder meant something, and thus, the GB was able to count on relatively strong leadership locally.
Since '95, the changing of the Generation teaching and the rise of the information age (thank you Internet) has caused young men to look on the Internet for two things that would disqualify an elder; porn and real information.
Cults thrive in a bubble. JWs can't legislate information control like they used to be able to. The drip like growth of JWs in Western nations demonstrates this vividly.
Today, most JWs do take a peek about what is said on the Internet. Most know a little about the Conti case. Most new elders are stunned at the sheer amount of letters from the Service Dept on how to handle pedophiles. If you've ever had to handle a pedophile case, it will make you ill. Anyone with a small bit of humanity hate sitting on JCs. Most elders know that 1914 is a joke, and probably are running side bets on when the GB will change the Generation doctrine again.
You add that up, and it's a disaster. Here's what I predict for the future:
Circuit JC's, where the CO and Service Dept pick who is on them.
A return to a small group, or even one, main elder per congregation.
terry was admitted to the hospital yesterday.
he has a severe case of cellulites which has affected his neck glands.
his face and neck are very swollen.
Terry, this is horrible. Stay positive and focused. I wish you the best!
but it also has some wonderful information about the org and getting help and moving on.
please don't let the nitwits or my arguments with them keep you from looking at a lot of good info on this site.. peace and farewell,.
Cage fighter, you forgot "brave" and "courageous".
There are plenty of people who are hurt here, but no one I've see that's broken.
The broken ones are the ones who stay with a sense of resignation. (not talking about faders btw) COs and DOs who absolutely know that they are working for a "snare and a racket" but still like their "medium fish in a small puddle" jobs. Elders who are cruel. Pioneer sisters who prefer pretentiousness to love, faith, and sincerity. These are the broken ones.
We left. We landed. We're ok.
In fact, we're going to be just fine.