Like OTWO, mine is a long story, but it ultimately hit me at Gilead in 2005 when I first said to myself "This isn't the truth." Those were the exact words I spoke to myself for the first time. We were discussing the prophetic parallels in 2 Kings 1 and 2 where Elijah = CT Russell and Elisha = Rutherford.
Thus began a not so pleasant two years of my life....
the american psychiatry association lists nine symptoms – if someone ticks five of these, they could have narcissistic personality disorder.
the nine points of narcissism.
has a grandiose sense of self-importance.. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.. believes that he or she is ‘special’ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people.. requires excessive admiration.. has a sense of entitlement.. is inter-personally exploitative (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends).. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.. .
I think JW's attract this to a certain degree. It's impossible to say of course without studying it, and I don't think institutions of higher learning are banging at the door of the GB trying to study it.
I think the majority of JW's rank and file are beat up and hanging on in spite of upset and likely to stay for friends and family. Hardly the narcissistic type.
i wrote the following in my therapy sessions to treat my sexual abuse as an adult.
i thought that you should know that i recently discovered the reason i am weird and at times react strange there is a part of me that will never go away .... no matter how hard i try to control or hide it everyday it will always show it will always stay .. i. thought that you should know this indescribable grueling act of what you did ., that inside my adult mind and body you locked up and left for ever a trapped you know how hard it must be to accept that ?
do you even care ?do you ever feel bad when you look in the mirror who do you see when you stare?
Very powerful. I realize comments posted here can't fix the past, but I do wish for you healing and peace, and that you are able to gain the life you choose for yourself going forward. I am sure everyone on this forum does as well.
i love math, i love calendars, and somehow, this always gets me.. 2520 - 607 = 1913. not 1914.. 2520 - 606 = 1914. from what i understand, russell realized this.
he had previously used 606 bc, of course, but then he switched it to 607 bc.
i know there was something about no zero year, so it actually should be less one, correct?.
recently went to a witness wedding, and after the vows the bride and groom were introduced as "brother and sister".....(then last name).....(then the big kiss).
this is likely not unusual (i've heard it before), but with lots of "worldly" people in attendance it seems out of place to me.. i was just wondering if that's the way it is most places?.
With JW's, everything is regional. There is no law one way or the other.
I am on record as saying that the terms "Brother" and "Sister" are control mechanisms to tear down your individuality and re-define who is supposed to be your family. After all, should you have a sibling who leaves, you have other replacements....
lucius annaeus seneca, roman statesman, 4bc - 65ad: "religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.".
this comes to mind as trump has been throwing the word "god" around.
there are a lot of outwardly religious people in this government.. benjamin franklin: "the way to see faith is to shut the eye of reason.".
a bit of an update, last weekend was my great grandmothers funeral, now, she was never a jw, and never was going to be, no matter how hard my mother, and grandmother tried to preach to her, she was the type of person that would kindly accept a wt or a book, but she wouldn't bother reading them.. anyways, she was a great wonderful and inspiring woman, the funeral was extremely sad, she had been a school teacher for over 35 years and a member of various clubs, so there were a lot of folks besides family that attended.. well, anyways i was there and so was my jw mother, stepfather, and grandmother, we were cordial, didn't talk about anything jw related because, it was great grandmothers funeral, not really a time to discuss how i am an evil sinner, or how i've escaped the org by avoiding df'ing, right?
wrong, as i'm sitting waiting for the service to begin, a lady shows up, now- i have known this woman for a long time, apparently she baby sat me as a small child, (like i remember?
) so she isn't someone i was ever close with, but knew of her or when she was around would say hi to and make small talk.. to give you a tid-bit on her personality though, she is one of those crazy jw's.. she claims to have been possessed by a demon, very very wacky on the prophesies, or gb talks, etc.
What The Flipper said.... Boundaries within the Borg do not really exist.
Very sorry for your loss. What a whack job. It reminds me of Ray Franz handling a funeral after Freddie Franz was so insensitive on the platform. The purpose of a funeral is to honor the life of those who've passed, and comfort those who are grieving.... Except in JW land, where it is yet another marketing opportunity.
And that is why the crazies feel they can do what they do..... :-/