If this is literal, it would be a set-up. Plain and simple. An innocent being, devoid of experience, with a test that implicates the human race.....come on.
JoinedPosts by taypay
Did Adam know the full consequences of his sin?
by truthseeker in"through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.
" romans 5:12. this verse has been used to prove that adam was responsible for sin and death.. from a christian standpoint, this is true.
did adam really know the full effects of eating the forbidden fruit?.
would you call someone or go to their house to discuss concerns with WT?
by truthsearcher ini wonder would you call someone or go to their house to discuss concerns that you are having with the wt?
is that a scary thought?
under what conditions would you consider it?
I am brand new here but I have to voice. I have been out off the WTS for 14 years but my mom is very active. I havent been dsfellowshipped but I have been inactive. I am visiting her and therefore required to attend the meetings. The things I am hearing are more disturbing than ever. A regurgitation of myths to keep the members enslaved. Its amazing to me they keep buying the BS!! How many more generations will they capture? How many more lives will they destroy? This is deeper then the general public can understand. I was raised a Witness and my life was altered. I was raised as if tommorow wasnt coming. I cant tell my mom these thoughts....she would disown me. Who's in charge of spilling out these lies? Theres a lot more to this than the above. But who is altering these lives and perspectives? For what agenda?