You silly folks. Don't you realize that it was because Judas didn't seek out elders in the local congregation, and let the wheels of spiritual justice turn by way of an ecclesiastical court?
JoinedPosts by deaconbluez
FDS can read hearts/minds of the dead & know personal destiny.
by oompa inwt- july 15, 2007 study article page 18 par.
"yes, judas felt remorse after the betrayal, but he never repented of his deliberate sin.
consequently, judas is not worthy of a resurrection.. wow!
MacMillan Letter
by startingover ini recently found this among my grandfather's papers.
thought some of you might find it interesting.
hope i get the picture posting right.
MacMillan was dishonest, though. He tried to paint this picture of Rutherford being just another humble servant who, in no way, wanted the office of President. But Rutherford's thirst for power was so obvious. It practically oozed from him how badly he wanted to be the leader. The man who was a courtroom fill-in prosecutor in Nowhere, Missouri gives himself the title "Judge". Yeah that's humble.
MacMillan Letter
by startingover ini recently found this among my grandfather's papers.
thought some of you might find it interesting.
hope i get the picture posting right.
haha Crooksville! That part was priceless!
MacMillan was a good friend of my grandparents and would stay with them all the time. That's all he did basically: travelled all over the country and stay in the homes of Witnesses that thought it to be a great honor to have him as a guest. He really milked that. Plus his "Faith on the March" book, although while probably the work of a sincere man, was just one deception after another. -
Sweet elderly sister reproved...
by changeling infor having too much contact with her df'd son!.
she's a loyal, long time witness in her seventies, with a "non-believing" husband.
she harms nobody with her bevavior.
This same thing almost happened to my grandmother when she was about 80 years old. She allowed my DF'd sister to come live with her for a short time until she could get back on her feet. My grandmother got a visit from a couple of legalistic elders who basically threatened her with disciplinary action. One of the elders had not even been baptized for 10 years! At this time my grandmother had been baptized for over 60 years LOL! All her life she devoted to that cult, not knowing that it was just that: a mind-controlling cult.
Letters on the front of Sept. Watchtower
by journey-on inthe picture on the front of the 9/1/07 wt shows moses holding tablets of stone with some writing on them.
the writing does not look like hebrew to me.
would some of you "smarties" that have that mag tell me what language it is?
I don't have the magazine, but it is probably Classical Hebrew, which is the oldest form of Hebrew that the Torah was written in orginally. It looks a lot different from the traditional Hebrew letters that you're probably used to seeing.
by JapanBoy inborn and raised in the borg.. i haven't posted for some time.
i got divorced from my jw wife, of 25 years, after living with another woman for almost 1.5 years [knew her for 3 years] .
the divorce that was my doing was last dec. 06. the divorce went through but all the financial settlements have yet to be agreed on.
Japanboy, aren't you Teddy Jaracz's nephew?
My mom got disfellowshipped.
by reneeisorym inmy mom called tonight to tell me that she got disfellowshipped!!!!.
of course to me this is like the greatest news ever and to her its the worst ever so i'm seriously having a hard time being sympathetic.
i just know this could mean she's out for good and it definately means i've got my mom back.
Don't get your hopes up. Most people that get disfellowshipped see how fast they can get reinstated, because they think that if Armageddon comes while they are disfellowshipped then they will be destroyed.
QFR Regarding How The "Slave" Is "Discreet"
by minimus ini was reading this nonsense at my mom's house yesterday and when i agreed with one of the definitions for "discreet" from the article, i said, "how could anyone think they were ever discreet when they got everything wrong from russell's day until now?
were they discreet when they said because the end is so close you shouldn't get married, have children and make families??
is that "discreet" or just the opposite???
This is one of those threads that people should bookmark if they need a reference on how to point out circular reasoning among JW's.
Deaconbluez...where are you?
by sweetface2233 inyou are one of my favorite posters.
i need your creativity and humor.
come back, love!
Aw thanks guys. I've just been busy lately and haven't had time to put any good "Questions From Readers" together. I will soon, though.
by Terry inthinking out loud.... .
justice.. topics that need discussing.
justice is getting what you deserve.
So the answer is: attend all meetings and have a regular share in the field ministry! That is the only way you can expect to have a chance at salvation. Oh, and look to the organization for everything, while never questioning them on anything.