LoverOfTruth, what a heartbreaking day it must be for you.
JoinedPosts by Trevanian
How long before you tell people you were once a Jehovah's Witness?
by Trevanian inmost of the people i've met since i left don't know that i spent years of my life as a door knocker.. i have very dear friends who don't know.
i've even had lovers who didn't know.
my last partner knew, and found it vaguely amusing.. i guess i find it deeply embarrassing, although over the years it's become easier to mention it.
Interesting question.
No, no and no.
But ask me about other non-addictive drugs like e.
The answer is not as simple.
I'm struggling to understand the USA no candy at assemblies thing!?
by jambon1 inas i read it on your posts, it seems that at your assemblies there were candy machines which you were somehow forbiden to use.. am i right?.
it just seems ridiculous to me!
why, oh why could you not get a bit chocolate from a machine?
Oh dear. So many memories.
I remember as a youngster wondering why such unhealthy food was on the menu for assembly day.
In my district - oily toasted cheese sandwiches and fatty meat curries.
Question: Who verifies the Annual Partakers Report?
by Bourne inthis thought just occured to me.
since within the jw community, it is so fragmented so as to keep any one person from having the complete operating picture, what keeps the partakers number around the 8000 mark?
could they not just as easily continue to reduce the number in a moderate way so as to keep the pressure on?
And what happens when some random Catholic guest, or a person in Africa, or a slew of them, partakes?
Do they get counted? Or is there a committee that says "nope, not a real Witless" or "no, not enough fieldies reported, doesn't count"?
How does that work?
How long before you tell people you were once a Jehovah's Witness?
by Trevanian inmost of the people i've met since i left don't know that i spent years of my life as a door knocker.. i have very dear friends who don't know.
i've even had lovers who didn't know.
my last partner knew, and found it vaguely amusing.. i guess i find it deeply embarrassing, although over the years it's become easier to mention it.
No worries llbh, not stupid at all.
Maybe my bad, for being so low profile for the last year. Was lurking, and posting the odd comment about Thomstuff that got instantly deleted.
I think your thread is interesting, because as we leave; our friends inevitably change, as do we, and has been said how 2 explain to new friends who might not understand?
Yes, exactly my point.
How do we explain to new friends? Or do we just not bother?
what a vanity thread, with everyone saying me! me!
and the winner is...
Hello All,
Its not that I don't have anything to say, I guess I replaced my jw life with secular work. I'll try not to be a fly on the wall in the future!
try, okay?
by badboy inhe is one like his wife.. he converted about a few weeks ago.
Nice, Gopher.
Here's a funny but informational video about why Catholics sit, stand and kneel so much. It's called "That Catholic Show" (the title being a parody on That 70's Show).
Hmm, maybe Babylon the Great isn't so bad after all?
by badboy inhe is one like his wife.. he converted about a few weeks ago.
Congratulations to your brother.
May Catholicism bring him peace.
How long before you tell people you were once a Jehovah's Witness?
by Trevanian inmost of the people i've met since i left don't know that i spent years of my life as a door knocker.. i have very dear friends who don't know.
i've even had lovers who didn't know.
my last partner knew, and found it vaguely amusing.. i guess i find it deeply embarrassing, although over the years it's become easier to mention it.
Hey purps
LIke Trevanian, I am embarrassed at the whole expericane. So by your stating that, I am assuming you were not born into JWism?
I was pretty much born into it, although I don't have the multi-generational history that makes it more complicated for some people.
Around the time I was two years old, a work colleague of my father started "studying the bible" (haha) with my parents. Soon after that my mother hauled her sister into "the truth" LOL! and as a result, with JW-marriages and much childbirth and so on, I now have a large family network of JWs.
I remain deeply embarrassed by my JW connections. Love my mother to pieces, adore my siblings, like some of my cousins, but find it difficult to talk to new friends about the Jehovah's Witness thing,
How long before you tell people you were once a Jehovah's Witness?
by Trevanian inmost of the people i've met since i left don't know that i spent years of my life as a door knocker.. i have very dear friends who don't know.
i've even had lovers who didn't know.
my last partner knew, and found it vaguely amusing.. i guess i find it deeply embarrassing, although over the years it's become easier to mention it.
dogisgod, I think you summed it up nicely here:
They have no frame of reference.
Being from a JW background needs a lot of explaining.
We know what we've been through, especially if we experienced it as kids. But how to explain to someone else? Someone who hasn't been there?
For me, it's pretty much a deal-breaker in a relationship now. If I can't bring myself to describe to a new partner how JWs affected my life, well then we don't really have the intimicy I need in that relationship.
BTW, dogisgod, I'm sure you've heard about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac...?