I have often wondered at the "heart" of the prostitutes that are so highly commended in the scriptures. Oh to find such a woman today so capable of satisfying her man and yet so good of heart that she is aproved by God. *S*
Figure it out.
if you had a jw hat on, how do you explain to someone why in the gospels that women who were "known sinners" were not stoned?.
why wasn't the woman who washed jesus feet already dead?
why were prostitutes allowed to live there in jerusalem?.
I have often wondered at the "heart" of the prostitutes that are so highly commended in the scriptures. Oh to find such a woman today so capable of satisfying her man and yet so good of heart that she is aproved by God. *S*
Figure it out.
when asked if there was an easy way to answer a question about the rapture, a jw elder wrote:.
* http://www.purelanguage.net/forums/showthread.php?s=006de3e393838177d3885c8dfed1384c&threadid=661.
an easy way?
hmmmm the same way you would attempt to describe a space shuttle launch to the deciples of 2000 years ago. *smiles warmly*
It seems that if you look at the so called "rapture" from a modern and also Sci-Fi point of view it would indicate a "beam out" of many all at once and in the beam out process the patern buffers alter your being into one of greater durability.
Norval (chuckles softly)
i am reading a book called "the blessings of imperfection: reflection on the mystery of everyday life" by peter fleck and he makes some remarkable statements about piety and believing there is only one answer to spiritual and religious beliefs.
he says "pietism can also be expressed in the relationship between the individual and other individuals, that is as adams puts it with the other saints, with the chosen few, chosen by me, those who think as i do, live as i do, who are well clad and fed as i am, who do not disturb my inner harmony with questions of justice, equality, and freedom.
theirs is a relationship of partiality against with james warns 'if you show partiality, you commit sin.
hmmmm, well just watch out WW when your inner peace is declairing "true peace at last!" grins and winks.
check this link out at purelanguage.net:.
hmmm... all of the 'hovah's must be of the 144,000 anointed.
Sticks finger down throat,,, acks!
Thats the last time I click on a link you recomend,,, LOL.
God knows how I hate "religionists".
years ago, i had a pet-hate bible story, and it was this one story that actually started me on the path to freedom from the borg-org.. it was the story of lot when he was living in sodom and the 2 angels visited (dressed like men of course).
and the crowd of sodomites were yelling "send out the visitors so we can bonk them senseless".
*chuckles and smiles*
To quote a quote,,,,
If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
i often wonder wether there will be a day in my lifetime when i hear-.
'it has been confirmed that a nuclea bomb has been droped on _________ by the ________ , total damage cannot be assesed nor numbers, but the city of _______ is no more......'.
with the way america is acting lately, i have to wonder wether they are medling into other countries affairs too much, and now with this speach that bush made naming countries, asking congress for the highest ever defence budget since the cold war ect ect.. what is the hidden agenda in all of this?
,,, to eventually destroy religions.
there is abundant evidence that marks stories are fictional.
in this post, i will explain how marks story of jesus miraculous feeding of the five thousand (mark 6:32-42) was copied from scripture.. at the beginning of his story, mark wants his readers to believe that his jesus is just as compassionate as the lord, so he introduces him as a person who was just as concerned as the lord is for people who are like sheep without a shepherd.
the lord is my shepherd, i shall not be in want.
I marvel at those that can't see that this whole universe has been engineered.
why do i believe the bible is the inspired word of god anyway?
here are some answers i consider wrong .
1. it just fell out of the sky.
Why the Bible anyway?
Why not? Do you think that there hasnt been interaction between mankind and their maker?
The bible is a book of history, current events, and the destiny of the human race. If you really want to go to the stars (heavens) then you need to understand that the message of how is wrote in languages that are at least 2000years old and had very little tech understanding as we do today. Try to understand it from a very modern and possibly futuristic point of view.
Get a clue,,,, grins.
who can prove to me or show me that jws have teachings or even doctrines that are there to servce the interest s of the gov.body.
by this i mean, if it wasn't in their interest, they wouldn't stress these doctrines (teachings) or wouldn't even exist for them.
what particular teachings serve their interests?.
Thanks Island Woman.
I had been trying to figure a way to put that and you did it very well. The insight of this now called "religion" of the JW may have had that insight given to it long ago. Today with the KIND of problems they are having it is obvious that they no longer have any "insightual" guidance.
there are many dwelling in my fathers house?
john 14:2. does this refer to different dimensions?.
and does jesus going away and preparing a place,.
Then again it may refer to the "Heavenly New Jerusalem" which is a
ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED MILES SQUARE CUBE! (oh my god, the borg! shudders)But in rainbow colors. *grins*
Now that would be a heavenly craft of about the same size of our moon.