Don't the words ring true either way?
"Get out from among them/"
"Cast those out that prove to be false teachers."
Works for me. *grins*
sometimes our recovery depends a lot on how we percieve the events that took place.
over the years i felt like the victim so many times and until i couldn't take it anymore and i "left".
i suddenly realized that i didn't go anywhere.
Don't the words ring true either way?
"Get out from among them/"
"Cast those out that prove to be false teachers."
Works for me. *grins*
yesturday my wife bumped into one of our former friends from the hall.. she tried to discuss a few points with him but as she hasn't done much research herself was a bit stuck when he told her that the reason the society dates the fall of babylon to 607 was because the jews were in captivity for 70 years which working back from 537 you come to 607.. i tried to explain to her that the bible does not specifically say the jews would be in captivity for 70 years but that in daniel it talks of the devestaions of jerusalem ,which could mean it rulership by babylon which started before they were taken captive.. beside that isn't it true that people were left over in jerusalem and only the elite taken?.
anyway at the end of 2 chronicals particually verse 21 it talks of the land laying desolate 70 years this would sujest that the 70 years maybe did refer to the desrution of jerusalem.. can anyone point me in the right direction on this?.
by the way this has no bearing on what i think just my wife as i don't believe the bible to be the word of god anyway, and there are far bigger problems with the witnesses time prophecies , i just need to show from the bible it is wrong as that is the only source of authority for some people.
Then again you could think about the dates for the most part as a moot point now. Since jesus fortold that the Jews would be trampled on by the nations till the end. It was also fortold they would get their lands back and become a nation again. Done.1947
As a first world country with atomic weapons and sufficent enough streangth to be a threat to any nation on earth today,,, any one want to mess with the Jews? But they have always fought amongst themselves, just as brothers do. *laffs*
In my honest opinion, it seems that we ARE in those days as was fortold. After all, those fortellings are now history, and in our OWN generation!
hi all!.
can anyone point out clear and intentional distortions in jws translations and interpretations?
dishonesty in translation?
One of the worst things that has been done with all most ALL bibles is the failure to finish TRANSLATING ALL the WORDS!
christ = apointed (of god)
nicolations = (contraction of nike and laos), conquors over gathered people.
apostle = ambassador
spirit = force / power
saint = ? *grins*
As you can see there are many words that have been "transposed" into our languages and never translated. This gives rise and "mystical and spiritual" thoughts to these words that arn't there!
"Keep em' in the dark and feed them bull shit, they must be mushrooms!"
we know the wt society has a long history of prophecies, especially regarding dates.
almost 100% of such prophecy was in error.. it seems though, that they got a date right by foretelling that 1914 would be "the end of the world as we know it".
yes, they changed the meaning of 1914 several times.
Arn't chronological games fun?
Personaly I think 1947 is a good date in history to try fitting things around.
the only way to go to heaven is believing that jesus christ is god's son, and that he was sent here to earth to die on the cross for our sins.
if you confess him as lord and savior, then and only then, will you be certain that you are going to heaven.
,,, looks up at the billions of stars in our galaxy, and the billions of galaxies in our universe. Hmmm, thinks of the billions of billions of planets out there, and what is your idea of "heaven"? What do you think you are going to be doing there? Why do you think you were "created" and would want to go to heaven?
Just wondering.
this means more of us can come to the apostate bbq!!.
australia gets drunk, wakes up in north atlantic.
tired of being isolated and ignored, continent isn't bloody moving .
,,,chuckles and bursts out laffing,, having several Ausie friends I have to laff. Thanks
Were you at that Ausie party? This just seems like the most unlikely place to put this thread,, ROFL
Sirach 48
evolution and man where are we going?.
i feel evolution is still happening to man not so observable.
in his physical appearance but very outstandingly in the brain.. here's an observation of mine, and others: first let me quote amazing records strongly suggest that civilization goes back over 10,000 years.
Many years ago I had the head of the Northwest Group Health hospitals psycology department aborad my boat many times as we were good friends. Often he would ask about what the bible said about the mind and body. I explained that the heart is the seat of emotions and shouldnt be transplanted. He turned very pale and with a rush said he would be back and left. When he came back a couple hours later his arms were full of folders of patients records. Pre op and post op psyc evaluations of the ones that were available that received transplants. In every case where the donner, and the receipiant had pre op work ups there was a perfect match of the emotional responses.
The emotions of the donner were now in the recipiant. Where a mechanical heart has been used, there have been no emotional responses as was testified by Barny Clarks wife in an interview after his op.
,,, and the kidneys are supposed to be the "moral code" repository of the human? Is it that way with the baboons too? Like our computers, many parts that work in unison, but are unique to that unit?
Some good thinking here in this thread. *grins*
since i've been here, from around july, 2001, i haven't really shared any personal experiences of why i left the society, except for the story about my sister who committed suicide.
this is kind of long, so i will tell it in parts.
if this is god's organization, i will gladly be a devil worshiper.. here goes....... when i was about 27 years old, (around 1984) after my divorce, i'd moved from laurens, south carolina back to andrews, sc, and rented the house beside my grandmother.
Hello April;
What can anyone realy say? Many have experianced worse, and many far less than this that you have in their lives. Compassionate *hugs* to yah. You gave her more than you know! Think of the hug Bobby Joyce may one day give you for you taking the time you did.
Compassion; one of the greatest gifts we have been given by our Creator. Use it wisely, but USE it!
...pulls up a nice big comfy arm chair....wheels in the snack and dessert tray....sorry all i have is coffee or kool-aid...pull up a chair, those that are interesting in knowing a bit about i am:.
i am not j.w., never really was of any religion, i went once with my uncle to a catholic sermon (many moons ago).
i had too many questions about the sermon and the strange language, so my uncle said he would never take me back there...haha.
Hey Fiery, smiles and Holy Hugs to yah. *grins* I know you are doing some reading here, and you will find several interesting posters that is for sure. Along with the usual "agents". rofl. There are a couple here that if it is their same handles as I have seen else where, then I know them. They are great thinkers and reason with competency.
delmart vreeland, a 35-year-old american is in canadian custody for credit card fraud charges.
here's the kicker, he claims to be a lieutenant in a u.s. navy intelligence unit, basically a spy who knew in advance about 9-11.. in his affidavit, he says he tried to warn canadian intelligence about possible terrorist attacks on new york and the pentagon, along with targets in ottawa and toronto, but was written off as a petty criminal.
so he wrote the warning on a piece of paper, sealed it in an envelope, and handed it to jail guards a month before the attacks.
They knew the date and some of the possible targets. I can say this because some of the targets were very well guarded! I know that personel were placed in very close proxcimity to several of the Called Ones (Anointed) that I know.
That is all I know for fact.