The only way to go to heaven is believing that Jesus Christ is God's Son, and that He was sent here to Earth to die on the cross for our sins. If you confess Him as Lord and Savior, then and only then, will you be certain that you are going to heaven.
How do you know if you're going to heaven?
by Christiangal 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Look closely at the signs in the subway.
Do the American Indians get to go to heaven, even though they never heard of Jesus until the Christians raped and pillaged them?
,,, looks up at the billions of stars in our galaxy, and the billions of galaxies in our universe. Hmmm, thinks of the billions of billions of planets out there, and what is your idea of "heaven"? What do you think you are going to be doing there? Why do you think you were "created" and would want to go to heaven?
Just wondering.
The indians don't want to go to heaven, they just want thier land back and to be left alone.
plm[8>] -
D wiltshire
I'm 3/16 American Indian(Black Foot).
The way I look at it, people get overtaken by other people through out history, the winners and the loosers.
I wonder how many Pure Indians there are left?If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
D Wiltshire,
If you are 3/16ths American Indian, do you regard yourself as a white person, or as a Native American?
D wiltshire
I don't look like a indian except for the nose.
I'm 1/2 Italian. I mark white on questionier.
I feel Indian in my ways, but for my lively hood I'm more European.
My Grand Mother on my father's side was 3/4 BlackFoot 1/4 French, and she was one tuff cookie that took no crap from anybody.If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
she was one tuff cookie that took no crap from anybody.
Sounds like my g'grandmother. Tough Irish bird with red hair and drunk and gambled like there was no tomorrow. They made 'em tough in those days.
Thanks for your reply DW.
Thomas Poole
Thank you for your comment Christiangal.
Now can you explain a little more about obtaining Salvation. Exactly how does it come about in your understanding of it, besides what you have already written.
Do you have the Holy Spirit? If you do, how do you know that you do?