Topics Started by jeanV
Are you 2% or 98%. Amazing the way our minds work!
by AK - Jeff inamazing..
2% or 98% of population?.
just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can!
What is your "INTUITION" about THE SECRET "law of attraction"?
by Terry inever hear somebody say, "trust your gut..."?.
or, like obe wan kenobe: "trust your feelings...."?.
have you ever followed that "little voice" that whispers to you that you should or should not do something?.
A kind response to Jim Penton & Ros of Channel C
by Amazing inthe following are transports of postings on made by jim penton and ros regarding myself and james caputo respectively.
the reason that i did not post directly on channel c is that ros and many of her board participants do not like to see anything that resembles catholic discussion, even if the responses are done respectfully and in a spirit of clarifying a false claim or misunderstanding.
i too do not like "catholic" discussions on channel c, and have not posted there for 9 months until i recently posted an announcement about tom cabeen's interviews on ewtn and with randy watters.
"Even if it isn't true" - how many of you heard this one recently?
by hamsterbait ini remember first hearing it after the generation change of 95.. a sister answered up at the wt and said "even if armageddon isn't coming, its still the best way to live.".
i have heard others say: "even if it isn't true, it's still the best way of life.".
my mother said it a few weeks ago!
District Conventions are awful if you have kids. (Learn why!)
by easyreader1970 ini know that many of you have not been to distric conventions in some time, but what i am about to describe is a recent trend.. 1. more people than seats.
for the past six or seven years, they've tried cramming too many congregations into one convention hall at one time.
in many cases, if you do not get to the convention more than an hour before the program starts and you need more than a couple of seats, you cannot find seats.
Latest Witness comments about no more Bookstudy- Rejoicing and happy????
by Witness 007 ini've asked afew witnesses at work and around town about no more bookstudy.........they are all so relieved!
one elder with four kids said..."it will make things alot easier, with rushing home from work, the society understands our needs.
"......another brother said: "it's great, now we can go to the cinema on half price tuesday's!
May have just opened can of worms - posted on a spirit world forum
by feenx inas i'm sure many of us ex dubs do i have had tremendous fear, anxiety, curiosity and overall need for answers about spirits.
we all learned the same shite.
any spirits are demons.
The 2008 February Kingdumb Misery Insert
by WTWizard inno, i have not seen this insert and i am predicting it totally blind.. however, every year, they have it.
the february kingdumb misery always has an insert.
in this, they will tell people that they can and should auxiliary pioneer during one of the months of march, april, and/or may (and preferably all three).