Yes and no.
I am happy that I'm away from the controlling organization but it's also frustrating to know the truth and being powerless to do anything about it. My wife and family are still in so it's a constant reminder of exactly how much of a hold it has on people.
So personally I am happy to know the truth, knowing the truth hasn't brought me happiness
JoinedPosts by Paralipomenon
Does Knowing the Truth Make you a Happier person?
by gumby inmany of us who were once jehovah's witnesses had a measure of happiness in our lives.
for me, i had a hope in the future, i had answers as to why we are all here, i believed in a loving god who looked after me and cared about me, i had answers to all of lifes big questions.. when i found out the truth about the witnesses, i was lost in a great big world and now had no answers other than the fact that what i once believed was "the truth" in actuality wasn't the truth.i now had to start all over in my search for truth.
for me, it wasn't long before i found what i thought was the truth since i always believed in the bible.
Is the end really coming?
by themonster123 inwell, as anyone on this board knows i"m a newbie....and witnesses kind of are scaring me with their "end is coming" business.
basically, cuz of three things:.
1) the last convention was called "jehovah's day at hand!
They have been in hyper focus mode as long as I remember. They change the teminology every few years, but it's the same deal.
When there's war or political unrest they press harder, then when the social climate settles down they'll start focusing on "Put your trust in Jah" and remind you that it is a endurance race, not a sprint. -
Any "Worldly" Bad Traits Showing Since You Left The "Truth"???
by minimus indo you tend to swear and curse now??
overindulging in drinking??
One thing that my father told me when I was younger was that people that swore didn't have a very good grasp on the English language. Instead of using a proper word or sentence structure they'd use profanity.
That idea intrigued me and I monitored people's conversation and really found alot of truth in it. It's not a blanket statement as there are some very bright people that swear like sailors, but the advice he gave me was if you wanted to be taken seriously by people, don't swear.
To this day I don't swear in public. It doesn't offend me and I will swear if it's part of a story or joke, but I just see no reason to include it in my vocabulary when other words would suffice.
That reason made alot more sense to me then "don't swear because it's a sin".
It wasn't until much later that I had a chance to go to work with my father that I discovered he had a filthy mouth. I lost alot of respect for him, but still viewed his advice as being sound.
As for other vices, I was never one much for them. I drink, but my metabolism is so high I burn it off quickly. Drinking to excess would cost me a fortune. I don't like the idea of cigarettes, but when a friend brought back some cuban cigars from his honeymoon I had to try it... after all, it's a cuban.
As for my sex life, I'll just say that the society would not approve. :) -
you might benefit from this site:
They have MP3 archives of many different areas around the world. First they get the reader to read scripted text, then get them to talk about something unscripted. You will then have a basis of reading and vowel pronunciation as well as how that translates into everyday speech.
If you want a treat, check out Canadian Accent from Newfoundland. -
North American English is full of buzz words and slang. It may not be the accent so much as the terminology.
As much as it pains me to suggest it, you might consider watching something like MTV. Just don't try to emulate the NA slang.
Mostly words will be contracted or run on.
wanna = want to
wannabe = want to be
canna = can not
I'd suggest looking up American slang, I think that might help. -
WHO gives the best?
by avidbiblereader inin my personal opinons, these are some of the best things i see on the forum, please add to the list for those who should be recognized for making the forum what it is!.
best thread starter--minimus.
best wt info--blondie.
Best avatar styled after a book: Paralipomenon
Assembly talks-WHy did they talk so loud at the end!?
by themonster123 inwhenever i would go to conventions, i thought it was weird how at the end of the brothers' talks (especially the older ones like from the governing body or whatever), they would start getting louder and louder and louder.
ie; "in this time of the end, we need to keep on the watch for our adversary satan is roaring about like a lion!!!!
do you agree??".
The way memory works you generally take away only the last few moments of a public discourse. They make their last part louder and is the message they want you to take away and remember from the talk.
Fading Music
by choosing life inif there was only one cd you could choose that helped you through the time you were fading from one set of choices to another, which one would it be?
just one now.. mine would be cheryl crow-wildflower.
of course there were others, but i limited this to just one.there are several songs on there that helped me express my feelings.. then, i also relistened to all my old music.
Pssst BA:
They Might Be Giants is the name of the band
Flood was the album
Great album btw.
Kind of Neat... for me at least.
by RichieRich inso its no surprise to most of the people here, but i stretch my earlobes.. and i just reached sort of a big milestone, for me i guess.. i made it to an inch.. that's 25 mm, for you crazy not americans stuck on the metric system.. and considering the original hole was exactly 1 mm in diameter, i just think its cool i increased the size by 25 times.. now if only i could stretch my bank account.. .
Kinda cool.
The business world is changing but not quite as fast as you think it will Richie. In the 80's the popular trend was punk rockers with very similar piercings. They grew up and changed the business attire from Suits and Ties to Khakis and golf shirts.
A big change but not revolutionary. When meeting with international clients most company representatives will still put on a suit and tie as a common global dress code.
Looks like fun, but I'd suggest a bit of caution if you are planning on a business career. Change is happening, but it takes time.
Until then, enjoy some retro as well as current pictures of a 80's icon.b :) -
If most here R anti jw why bother writing mean hurtful and prejudges posts?
by ayhra inif most people are anti or ex jw why bother if you dont believe in it why waste your time writing mean hurtful and prejudges posts and set up a entire web site and forum dedicated to them.
its a religion not a cult and people write about jw's as a whole everyone is an individual and just like the rest of the world there are nice caring people as well as bad awful people.
jehovah witnesses dont set up web sites saying and exploting awful things that non jw's do to them, such as teasing bashing raping even murder..
Coles notes for this thread:
OP: You are all wrong, and pathetic
Board: WTF?
OP: I'm going to imply suicide so I get the last word and you feel bad
Board: WTF?
This condensed version was brought to you by Trolls™: "Creating drama on forums since the start of the internet"