Yup, virus. Please delete this post
Edit: Interesting, the file is now a proper .zip file. Checking the new file
heres a ton of the court docs in one zip file.
Yup, virus. Please delete this post
Edit: Interesting, the file is now a proper .zip file. Checking the new file
heres a ton of the court docs in one zip file.
This is an .exe file
Quite possibly a virus, don't download until I can test it a bit.
of course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
@Band on the Run - I figure you would be the best to answer this. Who would hear the appeal to this case? Since California is unified under the Superior Court title, would the appeal have to be heard by the Supreme Court, or could they hear the appeal themselves?
I'm a curious Canadian, not too familiar with the process of the American court system.
the fastest growing religion in america is... .
may 4, 2012 9:11 amcomments (54)author: the american dream.
do you know what the fastest growing religion in america is?
The thing I find perplexing about Islam is that they teach the goal of Islam to install Sharia Law as the form of government.
Why then, do Muslims leave nations ruled by Sharia Law to go industrialized nations that are about as far from Sharia as you can get? You would think that they would be living their ideal life and not want to leave.
I am fine with freedom of religion, but I do take exception to Islam since part of it's teachings are to install its belief as a form of government. There is argument that the Republican party has become the 'Christian Party' but they aren't looking to replace democracy.
I firmly believe that if a religion has clear political aspirations that they should register as a political party and lose tax exempt religious status.
of course watchtower lawyer says it's not over yet, we are going to appeal.
thats what they are suppose to say.
but wat is going to want to put this nightmare behind them as fast as they can.
They have to appeal, even if it costs more money and expenses in the long run.
1) to try to get out of paying the money
2) this sets a precedent that can be referenced in future cases.
It is very much in their interest to fight this tooth and nail because they know this isn't an isolated incident. There are tens of thousands of people that could bring claim against them and they can't afford $21 million per case.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
One thing I've learned: publically, every lawyer is confident in every case and appeal until they lose.
rick simons, candace conti's attorney, will be interviewed on the six screens of the watchtower conference phone line this evening.
there's a good chance that candace will join in, but that's not set in stone.
the host of the program, rick, told me to tell everybody that he is learning how to calm down and to do better on these conference calls.
If someone wouldn't mind asking this question:
Can they provide any details into what deal was reached with Kendrick that made them promise to not pursue collection of the judgement against him?
They may not be able to comment on that, but I am very curious about it.
just got notice that all sparlock t-shirts, cups, bags, etc.
will be pulled from my shop.
watchtower corp. has filed a complaint to cafepress on all sparlock items.
Interestingly the name "Sparlock" isn't written anywhere that I am aware of in sources related to the video. The spelling of "Sparlock" is a unique endeavor created by the ex-witness community.
Using a screenshot from the video may violate copyright, but given that the character isn't a registered copyright, some custom art renditions would not apply. The WT is overreaching their legal standing on this one, I bet they are hoping that the companies won't dispute a takedown notification from a corporation that has a legal team. And they may be right.
who she claims molested her in the 1990s.
Maybe someone can correct me here, but wasn't the abuser convicted of molesting her, or was that conviction related to a different offense?
this was back in sept 2011. looks like she kept her sense of humour.
That is great, I love it!