Little Rock Guy
You said:
"Do you consider homosexuality a condition or an act? Since I am gay, am I only a homosexual when I am having sexual relations with another man and "normal" when I am not? and if homosexuality is just a condition, like having a certain color of eyes or being born blind, and thus nothing I can do about it, even if I am celebate and do not commit fornication of any kind, is my mere existence as a homosexual a sin?"
If you don't mind, I'd like to take a stab at this. As a heterosexual, am I a heterosexual just when I am having sex or is it a "condition"?
I think most of us would agree that (as heterosexuals) we are heterosexuals regardless of whether or not we are actually HAVING sex. It's basically how we are programed. There is an attraction that distinguishes us as being gay or straight.
No, according to the Bible (and I think this is the point that is being addressed here) even as a heterosexual, God says to keep the marriage bed pure. Most interpret this as remaining a virgin until marriage. If a heterosexual can choose to abstain because God sees this as a sin outside of marriage, then why can't the same apply to a homosexual person. Pardon me, but I am thinking about a person who is gay and chooses a Christian lifestyle. In this case, it's tough to have some self control for both the homosexual AND the heterosexual. It's no easy road.
However, if the person (straight or gay) is not walking on a spiritual path, then why not live it up? There is no one higher to themselves that they are answering to themselves so why not just live their lives however they want to as long as 'they aren't hurting anyone else.'
It really isn't up to the church to determine how everyone else should live their lives. I personally believe in Bible truths and it makes it hard when living in a world that is filled with a mentality that there are no moral absolutes.