While this is definately food for thought, the author blankets too much for my taste. I have belonged to many different Christian denominations over the past 20 years, I have not once been a part of a church that has practiced shunning or any sort of sociological control that would classify them as being a cult.
I have spoken to my children on numerous occasions that they only know what they are being taught. Someday, they will have to own their own faith and decide if they want to hold the same morals and values we have chosen to teach them. We would hope that they would continue to follow the same faith but in the next breath, I tell them that regardless....we will love them all the same.
I have seen alcoholism, sexual misconduct, adultrous relationships, divorce...you name it....I've seen it happen here and there within the church walls. While I will admit not every church handles these situations perfectly, I have never seen anyone shunned or treated poorly. In fact, most people prayerfully consider the situation and try to offer assistance to the family and to the person who caused the grief. Now, if the person is in leadership and did something really big like committ adultry....then they are asked to step down from leadership for a season to receive counselling. I've seen this happen.
The author is misleading based upon a few situations that may have occurred within the masses. I don't know about all the other religions because I am not part of that nor have I studied up on it, but for this faith, I don't believe it is a cult.
Oh....and I haven't been brainwashed.