So if the flood didn't actually happen the way the Hebrews told it.
So Jesus who used the story when he was talking to descendents of those Hebrews--(if you can believe any thing that was written in the Bible)
So what.
Have you ever seen what those old old proto-phoenician/canaanite texts were like? hopefully spoken language was clearer for them than this crazy looking stuff. No capital letters, no puncuation, no certain way to trace a subject antecedent---When I got in trouble and left, I took to one of the interviews a big photocopy of writing on a potsherd from the era of the king David. "How can anyone create THEOLOGY from the vast empty spaces between these crude marks?"
Have you ever heard a tale of an amazing or fearful family event told within the family--in epic style? I have. The tale is true essentially--but omg someone later on the outside hearing it--- they jeer when you retell it. There is confusion.
The WTS waylaid us. That's fair to say. But now we don't have to ridicule ancient attempts to communicate amazing events just because the WTS told us cock-and-bull stories.
Maybe there is a Being who has been waiting for humans to have and a more informed understanding of the world. And he was generous enough to send Jesus when writing was improved but social ideas and science had a ways to go. I think Jesus still needs a hearing.
So what if the flood didn't happen.