That flood that according to the bible was several meters higher than Everest (note Noah and everything on his boat would not be able to,breathe at this height) apparantly didn't do that much damage to civilisations in world history...... Funny that? I wonder what else is bullsh*t in those scrolls????
So the flood didn't happen.....
by snare&racket 65 Replies latest jw friends
In case you hadn't noticed, most of it is total BS
Just where exactly is the global flood that killed all but 8 people on a boat ?
Cheers for that can't leave xxx just writing that down "in case you...."
I believe there is evidence for a great Mesopotamian flood, one that covered "all the land", not the earth (as in globe).
the way i inderstood it the weight of the water pushed down on the seabeds causing the earths surface to push up in other areas causing the mountains. plus the axis of the earth tilted causing a rush of waters. what i can't understand is how animals native to north and south america got there?9
When I was leaving all those many moons ago, I would have liked to see such a simple representation of evidence and historical fact that blows all but the true elements out of the bible. For anyone grappling with making the scrolls fit the real facts, good luck pin pointing the 'tower of babel' incident too! Nevermind the fact that Adam was apparantly still alive while hieroglyphics became all the rage in Egypt.... Oh and that we know several huge lines of civilisations were around.... Before Adam.
Remember these are just civilisations being mapped, not early man. That is mapped back hundreds of thousands of years.....
The only thing that actually happen is this Mythological story was told by the ancient Hebrews intensionally to create a semblance of power
and relevance to their own specific particular god YHWH, as well as many other various stories that had the same containing intent.
There was most likely a great flood occurring in the Nile region which still occurs to this day, because of the devastation of this flood caused,
stories were created out of it superimposing that a god created it, with his own particular intent. ( washing away evil as it were )
Known human ignorance in the ancient world is the root cause for stories to be created such as this one.
Every ancient civilization had stories to tell of how and what their particular god(s) had done something for one reason or another.
Some of these stories were written into textual language, some were carved into stone in pictographs.
Now what.... We know how mountains are formed. We can measure their formation, we can see them being formed. It is quite literally the opposite of what you are saying, tectonic plates meet and through force rise to form mountains, what was once seabed now becomes mountain top.
We know exactly ow mountains are formed, no Bronze Age myths required. do realise there are mountains on the moon....on many planets... we even have pictures of mountains on mars!