The word zebach was never used in the entired account. In whatever manner Abraham "heard" God and told the story to posterity it was without the defining word that conveyed the slashing and bleeding of zebach.
I submitted to the elders and to Bethel that there is no grounds to say more than that Abraham struggled with the concept God gave him, misunderstood it.
Abraham only tried to complied and God commends him for his "listening". Listening to god doesn't mean we understand always. If God's ways are higher and his means and motives are strange to us--wouldn't it be hard to understand what he wants of us?
The Abraham story sprung me out of the Organization. I have to listen as best I can, too to God. Abraham had no bible. He had no organization. No one voted on the thoughts that rose up in Abe's head.
The stories are there and they are not.
There is the saying " if you meet the Buddha, kill the buddha".
The FDS liked their version of the Gen 22 story. Kill and burn the boy in their Bible story book. That is sick and not true. If Abe told the story using olah, burnt offering , it's because he learned what God meant. He wasn't tricked. He was learning a new concept and their was no word on earth to reflect it.
Religion and their words are always wrong.