Yea, Fink, I think something must have happened.
It is hard to believe that somehow a bunch of people that disagreed about SO MUCH suddenly got it together for a national passover.
Yea, Fink, I think something must have happened.
It is hard to believe that somehow a bunch of people that disagreed about SO MUCH suddenly got it together for a national passover.
Do you think that any part is true?
I personally find oral traditions very interesting. Like flood stories--something happened.
That a huge group of people ritualisticly observe a date that was of national significance that they learned from father to son rather than from a priest--well I find it hard to dismiss.
Like the Jews fight not to have the Holocaust forgotten. It takes tremendous human memory to carry even a great event forward. I tend to think there is something to the Jews getting out of captivity.
But I'm wondering about any one else--thanks for the input.
(Sorry--I started so rough.)
Well, the post title says it--I mean the long ago deliverance that was supposedly the real launch of their national identity.
Do you think they escaped all together? Why is it a central observance for faithful Jews to commemorate?
from this weeks watchtower study:.
in what sense has jehovah felt regret?.
on a number of occasions, the bible mentions that jehovah felt regret.
The WT writing department has to speak definitively, with authority on all bible subjects. It is impossible for them to NOT KNOW anything. They would be out of work in a jiffy if the magazines and reference materials allowed for the contradictions and ambiguities that come up in the scriptures.
They should let this question of what this passage about "regret" just hang there like a bit of poetry that you can't/shouldn't nail down. But instead they'll crucify every word-----(OOPs! I meant to say "impale".)
They have the TRUTH don't you know.
is jesus just not good enough as a mediator between god and man?.
is jehovah running a nightclub or something?
is that why we need a governing body as a gatekeeper?.
Isn't it amazing that we gained "accurate knowledge" of God then learned that he and Jesus had a big sign placed on them:
who really is the faithful and discreet slave........ .
funeral experience.
i attended my first "worldly" funeral last saturday.
How simply beautiful that you went there.
An event like that gives the lie to the crooked keepers we used to have.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
I see you have the Iron Rod. I'm certain a child can see what you are saying. But a lot of rulers have iron rods--and Jesus never told me to watch for numbers--I have to go with Jesus I or Jesus II on this.
I will be on the watch. Since I don't know the day or the hour, sleep will have to wait. Besides, trying to be loving isn't the worst thing--especially if the other disciples are doing the same. It ain't so bad, waiting.
Jesus talked alot, enough that you could catch the sense of what his "voice" would be even if he came in a second coming--like the way the disciples recognized him eventually on the road to Emmaus .
He told us how to know his disciples, by the love they have among themselves. The FDS had numbers and an Iron Rod. they beat me with it. I believe they may have fullfiled the scriptures because they got impatient for the Master to arrive. But the Master may not like what they're doing to folks like me.
Like I said,Jesus talked enough that people caught the sense of what he said--In fact, far from tight numerical equations, he spoke parables! Something clever about that, imo, is that nobody much screwed around with altering his parables. And over the years, archeology,translations, history don't tangle them up. They age well.
Why would a God of love do it different?
If we trust anything in the bible, shouldn't we let the teachings that Jesus EXPLICITLY gave to us be the measure of matters?
How can you not hear yourself? You must know that Jesus brought comfort and healing--to you and me. Why isn't love the key? Jesus said it was.
when i read the gospels, i don't find a bunch of numbers.
i loved that jesus talked in a way that left me wide open to respond to god.
"love god with your whole heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself".
Lars, at every critical moment when common folk wondered what to make of Jesus, he never ever gave them numbers.
So the story goes in Lu.7:17 that John the Baptist didn't check his calendar to see if Jesus was the One:"And this report concerning him (Jesus) pervaded all Judea, and all the surrounding country. And John's disciples told him of all these things. And summoning two of his disciples, John sent to the Lord, saying, "Art thou the coming one? Or are we to expect another?"
And having come to him, the men said, "John the Immerser sent us to thee, saying, 'Art thou the coming one? or are we to expect another?'"
And in that hour he delivered many from diseases, and plagues and evil spirits; and he gave sight to many blind persons.
And Jesus answering, said to them,"Go, tell John what you have seen and heard; the blind are made to see, the lame to walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised, glad tidings are announced to the poor; and happy is he who is not stumbled at me."
Once again, Jesus is so lame about saying who he is (just kidding, of course).
He does stuff that little kids could "get". Dummies. Even women.
If the main support for proving who is the Messiah is numbers, history and archeology the more obvious that such evidence can only cause you to do one thing:you just will have to shout louder. And you are obliged to read the next book and the next of a lot of people.
Lars, If you were Jesus, wouldn't you be glad that people loved you for more than your superior bible knowledge? Look at the posts that others have made previously. Don't you see that they "get" the real message-the good news? It is about love.
Lars, will the good news change with the 2nd coming? (sorry-that should be another post)
narcissistic patients try to sustain an image of perfection and personal invincibility for themselves and attempt to project that impression to others as well.
physical illness may shatter this illusion, and a patient may lose the feeling of safety inherent in a cohesive sense of self.
Dear Frankie,
The GB might be amenable to change if they all got sick together?
Then I will pray that they each and everyone get a terrible case of piles.