My point was you said 'you aren't likely to want to embrace.....' and many do.
And if on leaving ones comfort zone is it necessary to become a masochist!
i just finished reading these two books this week.
god by alexander waugh.
this one was an eye - opener, i found it to be different from other books about god.
My point was you said 'you aren't likely to want to embrace.....' and many do.
And if on leaving ones comfort zone is it necessary to become a masochist!
i am probably being ultra sensitive at this time ......., but i am recieving sympathy cards from our old witness friends , and they are saying things such as : " when she wakes up she'll be looking for you .
" and " we also must be resolved to fight to finish loyal to jehovah even at great cost and pain.
she will be waiting eagerly to see her family after her resurrection.
Forgive them for their ignorance troubled mind, and then just forget them and concentrate on looking after yourself and those close to you.
Special thoughts to you
i just finished reading these two books this week.
god by alexander waugh.
this one was an eye - opener, i found it to be different from other books about god.
Now you know that I am fond of you - that is without debate - you are one of the more challenging posters on this site but i just cant agree with some of the things you said, but I am not going to SCREAM about it..........
Firstly, you say in view of our comfort zone "You arent likely to want to embrace anything that challenges your beliefs, practices, sense of ethics and view of the universe". Is that not a little off kilter in light of the fact that many of us, myself included were born and raised Jehovah's Witnesses and a such were subjected to a rigid set of beliefs that gave great hope and comfort to many. During my years in the Jehovahs Witness I lost my first son aged 2 days, and for a while took great solace in the resurrection hope. This did not stop me challenging those installed beliefs at a later time, questioning so called 'truths' I had been raised on. And I did this without the aid of a computer, apostate literature or hours of reading alternative theories. I did it because despite the comfortable situation I had built myself in life, good friends, my family, a community and a huge crutch to help me through any times of trouble it didnt sit right with me. It wasnt enough if this is my only chance at life.
But if this is our only life then why not spend time enjoying it. None of us are ever going to know all there is to know, none of us can read every book ever written or consider every possible avenue of thought out there. At some point we have to come home, lay our head on the pillow and rest with some contentment. We can never be right all the time, we change every day as does the world around us but on this short journey, surely, we should take our opportunities as they arise and then again sometimes bask in a little comfort and happiness.
because of the length of this, it will be done in two parts.
part 1. i when to bethel march 21,1970. at the time you had to be a pioneer for two years to apply, by the time i left in 1974 they were calling people in who had never pioneered..........average stay was 5 months ( they had signed up for 4 years)..........the reason they left was......well, it was hell.. one of the reasons was, knorr hated bethelites, but he loved the gilead students and why?
because when they screwed up they were thousands of miles away!........just before i got there, they had kicked out over 60!
Garybuss...........very funny.
New did you stand it........did people not talk about how bad it was and revolt.........i think I would have ended up being naughty just to cope with the boredom.
so your free of the mind control and doing it the jw way.
what is your philosphy for life now?
have you reinvented your life or set yourself new ideas to live by?
So your free of the mind control and doing it the JW way. What is your philosphy for life now? Have you reinvented your life or set yourself new ideas to live by? Or do you just let each day unfold? From thisto this...............
yes, no or maybe....and why?
I'd go back if they gave me a couple of million, said I never had to go out bible bashing and only had to attend one meeting every two months and I could wear my i-pod during it. Oh and could continue quite happily with my non JW life. It would seem a lot less painful then............
my mom died last wednesday.
we buried her monday .
i am a bit numb still , she had been in ill health and i had tried to prepare myself for this day .
For every sad thought and footstep, know that you are not alone, that hearts and minds worldwide, have you with them every step of this painful journey..........................
Love at this sad time
i have wondered this for awhile and can not figure out why.
any ideas?
apparently being liberal does not lead to an economic power house, but it does lead to a lot of hatred of the united states in these countries.
Mia B - I was referring to the spanish-american war in 1898 in which America took back control of former Spanish colonies, such as Cuba and Puerto Rico, and it was all meant as a little humour in an all to serious world.
if this advert was placed in a newspaper, magazine or even on the television would you sign up (please feel free to add any other benefits you can think up.
join up free (well not quite) today with the ever unpopular door knocking religion (we wont mention the name because it might put you off) and realise the following fantastic, once in a lifetime benefits.
1. ok firstly and a huge hit with tight parents no more christmas or birthdays.
If this advert was placed in a newspaper, magazine or even on the television would you sign up (please feel free to add any other benefits you can think up
1. Ok firstly and a huge hit with tight parents NO MORE CHRISTMAS OR BIRTHDAYS. Yep thats right mean and miserly parents you need never spend another penny on the kids at times of celebration. Just think of Little Johnny going back after the Xmas break and been asked what Santa bought him this year and him having to tell his peers "Nothing" - its the stuff men are made of.
2. Your going to love this if your an early riser - NO MORE FREE WEEKENDS - Thats right there ours now. We are offering you the exclusive opportunity (apart from the Mormons and were not sure they do weekends) to rise early at the weekend, after a long hard week at work, don your best clothes and go out irritating people by knocking on their doors and trying to talk to them about God and World conditions. And whats more the kids can come along as well (a real treat for the family). Just imagine Little Johnny after all the stick he has been getting at school all week because he didnt get any Christmas presents, can get some at the weekends as well (You can bet your bottom dollar one of his school peers will spot him whilst your out all dressed up in his little suit. If he is really sensitive we advise possibly buying a Nike one as this may be considered more fashionable)
3.If you thought that was all for weekends (and we would prefer you did both Saturday and Sunday mornings, and a little bit of rain shouldnt put you off either) We would like you to SPEND TWO HOURS AT THE MEETING. Sometimes we have quite entertaining elders giving talks and occasionally the talks may be a bit interesting. After the talk we will have a Study of the Watchtower (which we hope you have spent 2 further hours at home preparing so you can make your answers as complex, lengthy and sleep inducing as possible). But dont worry we dont expect you to think of any of your own questions - as with all our literature we give you the questions and the answers - so you dont even have to think for yourself.......Oh and Little Johnny could you please encourage him to sit quietly for the whole duration of the meeting, discourage him from drawing pictures of 7 headed beasts and the like, and he may repeat parrot like a small answer during the Watchtower.
4. In case of boredom....WE ARE GOING TO MAKE YOU DO THE MEETING THING ALL OVER AGAIN, NOT ONCE BUT TWICE - yes thats right folks this unbelievable offer includes two further nights of your time on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Little Johnny will be expected to attend, and if his teacher complains that he seems a little tired during class, just mention that sleep is for wimps.
5. And the No1 selling point.....wait for it, because we are proud of it.....YES YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER - The end of this system is rapidly approaching and when it comes all survivors will live forever (well at least a 1000 years, we will explain that to you a little bit further down the line.) Now we know we said the end would come in 1975, but we have had new light shine down on us since then and were not sure when its coming but it is...... It is....... It is (Please dont ask to many questions, because we would rather you didnt and it is frowned upon) But as for Little Johnny, well course he can live forever to as long as he doesnt ever get drunk, date girls outside of the organisation, and if he does date within the orgnisation he does not do more than kiss them and always with a chaperone, does not make worldly friends, smoke, masturbate........
okay, go ahead and make my day: ask me anything!.
Yet again I find our roles reversed, something with which I am not entirely comfortable, as this was your thread in the first place...........but I think you speak of Ratiocinatio or possibly Anthypophora....................does this bring the matter to rest?