Good thread nvrgbk,
We usually dont appreciate what we have because we are too busy pissing and moaning about what we want.
Good thread nvrgbk,
We usually dont appreciate what we have because we are too busy pissing and moaning about what we want.
anyone here go to the meeting this morning?
what was up w.that talk?omg,i was soooo bored that i ate two rolls of life savers and then did orgami w/the wrappers..whoa,if that wasnt some kinda mindcopulation than i dont know what is...then the watchtower with the 'millionaires are miserable depressed people'..sheeyit,like poor folks are not depressed???
?dont know how much longer i can keep doing this..must go..must not let jws get family fortune..[harharhar]
If you know it is like this, Why do you go? As Solomn said, "there is nothing new under the sun"!!!!!
Only you can stop the pain.
this was great.
especially the quote, "without a doubt, my life is not average," he said.
"but i'd like to say, just because it is excessive doesn't necessarily mean it's wrong.".
LEO, that letter was great, I guess Forest Gump had it right along
"stupid is is stupid does sir"
it seems to be hard when getting out of the witnesses for many to realize that nobody really knows about many things in life.
good and evil, what happens when we die.
those leaving the witnesses may see it as a big loss in not knowing, and some more than others go through a whole grieving loss process with denial, bargaining, anger, etc.
Very very well said
My wife and my "beliefs " are very simple. Do the right thing because it's good for others and it makes you happy in the long run. And the right thing is what you come up with thinking through each situation that arises . Except for when you can't find an answer, but that is part of life and the journey also. Give it time and the answer will come. Everything passes and changes. So try to be open to things and go with the flow of life, not society. Just some cool thoughts from Mrs. Flipper when she gets coffee in her, and I contributed a wee bit. So what are your thoughts my friends on this open minded thinking as opposed to everything is black and white ?
Or the Society,
i was at the sunday meeting today (i know, i know...) and i heard this one guy give a comment about how hollywood movies always portray rich people as happy and successful, so that's proof that satan controls the film industry because it's a lie.. .
i struggled to think of one recent hollywood film that portrayed anyone as being happy, let alone rich and happy.
if they made a movie like this guy was describing, it wouldn't sell.
Peer pressure, people are prone to make comments that even though they might not truly believe in it, will state something just to be popular and agreeable to the listeners. Many want to feel loved and wanted no matter the cost. people have been making stupid comments for milleniums, it wont stop on its own.
each one think their concept of correct.
They all think they are TOTALLY correct and yet none of them are.
jeff .
I really do appreciate the humility with which you express your belief.
Thanks and peace to you,nvrgbk
I wish we all could find that ellusive butterfly since leaving the org, it took me some time but my solice is found where it should have been all along and never was there, in God's Word and in Him, not humans. I thank God for my experience, maybe I would have never found what I did as painful and shocking as it was.
thats right, about 2 weeks ago i confronted the po and told him i just could not do it anymore.. i genuinely have been under alot of pressure recently with my work so i used this as the pitch.
he was not happy but i received little resistance, which suited me.
i handed him my letter last week before i went on holiday.. i have to say it is a great weight off my shoulders, no book study, meetings for ministry, talks, public talks etc etc.. i will no doubt be the subject of local congregation gossip!
First off congrats, I dont know how some elders go on and especially after knowing all this stuff about the org and all of its problems.
I will no doubt be the subject of local congregation gossip!
Oh well, at least they will be letting some other poor person alone for awhile.
jeff .
C'mon get a sense of humour ABR. If theres one thing I hated about being a JW was that nothing was belly laugh funny
I have a sense of humour, I love to laugh, I love to enjoy life, I enjoy a good comedy, I can cut a person to streds(?) if need be in good humour and it is natural as it just flows out of me and as a matter of fact, I have to really catch myself in my joking.
However the Bible says there is a time for everything under the sun, laughing or crying, to me, this was a serious thread that I felt the need to defend the One who has remained silent for NOW.
i've noticed lately that some on our board, or perhaps for many of us, that's why i'm writing this , have had a challenge making new friends after leaving the jehovah's witnesses religion.
it has been a mixed bag for me.
i have met some through my wife, who is not a witness.
I had tons of friends before being a witness, tons while in and now have tons while out.
Just be yourself, you cant have a friend unless you are a friend.
As the commerical says in the cruise industry, "Just get out there"