Depressed, you sound as a lot like I did and to some extent still have a problem with who to hang out with on spiritual matters, it isn't something that I ponder about all the time though. My ex divorced me and she cheated on my likewise, her divorce was completely financed with $ and support from her family which is huge in my area. I felt the injustice but then realized it is only magnified because in my MIND I was still thinking it was maybe perhaps in a small way Jehovah's True People or Organization as I had been taught for so long. If something like this and it does happen all the time in the world we would give it no more thought than to be upset and rightly so. But coming from the organization, how could they, how could this happen? The reason is, they are no different than the people they condemn, they are no different than any other religion no matter how much they may say so. Remember what Jesus said, you will be able to tell them by their fruits, their fruits say "I am no better or any different than other religions". I remember as a witness one time trying to add up all the divorce cases in the local 4 cong, believe it or not, they had a higher divorce rate than the current USA average. By their fruits Jesus said. I find when it comes to my spiritual need. I turn to the Bible and speak of the Bible with whomever I find, i have plenty of working peers and others I meet anywhere and talk about the scriptures. Not though in the way the witnesses do, LISTEN to me attitude and I am right but the sharing of scripture and Bible thoughts, it is joy and refreshing not to shove your beliefs down someone elses throat. Just talking, remember Jesus said wherever two or three are gathered in my name, he didn't say whereever two or three witnesses are gathered. Turn to God and Christ in prayer and rely on them where our faith should be anyway. Religion has put a bad taste in my mouth and at this point in my life have no need for organized religion but still feel a need for spirituality, I now have a deeper and stronger relationship with God and Christ than ever as I rely on them and no human to fill my spiritual need. It is amazing how this works out as you will feel the HS and relationship stronger than ever. I have already posted to you before my Biblical veiwpoint on family protecting their own with King Daivd and Absolom, Korah and his sons. It is a human trait, that is why I will never put my spirituality in men again, I will turn to the only Ones that will not let me down. I pray and wish you the best, put your faith in the Bible and the two who will never let you down, humans in the spiritual sense always have that possibility. I for one will not have lightening strike twice on me with this issue.