I like your idea -- if she wants to unfriend you, she can do it, but you're not playing that game and you won't unfriend her.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
My mom wants me to disassociate myself from her on facebook if
by JWdaughter inmy mom sent me a email telling me that if i want to put any of that (non jw/non christian) religious stuff on my facebook then i should unfriend her.
i didn't respond directly.
i did take the email, remove id'ing aspects and ask my facebook friends to tell me what they thought of the request.
Was Richard Carrier a Jehovah's Witness?
by DeWandelaar ini was watching this lecture of him (very nice actually) and he was referring a lot of the bible.
now he used a bible version with jehovah's name in it and used it quite a lot.
i was therefore wandering: was he a witness at some point (around 6.20)?.
I don't think so.
So apparently I'm now a Secular Humanist
by Oubliette ini was doing some research on the subject of beliefs and belief systems when i came across an on-line survey/test that supposedly helps you determine which religion or philosophy is most like your current beliefs.
if you're curious, you can take the quiz here: belief system selector quizafter answering the 20 questions the results were spit out!
100% secular humanist
94% non-theist
and . . .
22. Eastern Orthodox (0%) 23. Islam (0%) 24. Jehovahs Witness (0%) 25. Orthodox Judaism (0%) 26. Roman Catholic (0%) 27. Seventh Day Adventist (0% -
Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah
by compound complex inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adjijphj8co.
Here's one I like, powerful and beautiful. This version is sung by Anne Murray, I always liked her singing.
About my Coming Out...
by braincleaned insince my coming out publicly, i have received a lot of kind words.. i wanted to thank all of you from the depth of my heart.. .
on the other hand, i need to make two things clear:.
i'm often encouraged to use my position to create cartoons or stories for nickelodeon, etc.... i do not have that kind of fire-power.
there are some serious whackdoodles around here
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
This is an internet forum. I believe most people who post here are sincere, but there is such a thing as a very sincere whackdoodle. You can't take it all so seriously -- we can be quite friendly but there's a distance, too, because of the nature of the internet.
Having said that, I admit that if someone disses me on facebook, I'm likely to sulk for a while and threaten never to return.
A Manual for Creating Atheists by Peter Boghossian
by cofty ina manual for creating atheists offers the first-ever guide not for talking people into faith--but for talking them out of it.
peter boghossian draws on the tools he has developed and used for more than twenty years as a philosopher and educator to teach how to engage the faithful in conversations that will help them value reason and rationality, cast doubt on their religious beliefs, mistrust their faith, abandon superstition and irrationality, and ultimately embrace reason.
- amazon.... "boghossian has provided an indispensible chart book for all of us who must navigate the rising sea of magical thinking that is inundating america today.
Surrounded, as I am, with all sorts of irrational thinkers and true believers, I think that helping anyone develop critical thinking is a good goal. Asking questions, demanding proof, thinking things through and learning to separate sentimentality from reason, all good goals. I'd love to learn how to talk to the true believers around me, not to challenge their beliefs but to get them awake enough to do it for themselves.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
I'm assuming the going back to Jehovah bit is a joke. But who knows? Weirder things have happened.
About my Coming Out...
by braincleaned insince my coming out publicly, i have received a lot of kind words.. i wanted to thank all of you from the depth of my heart.. .
on the other hand, i need to make two things clear:.
i'm often encouraged to use my position to create cartoons or stories for nickelodeon, etc.... i do not have that kind of fire-power.
It's always interesting to me when people assume that their agenda should be everyone's agenda. There are several people here like that, who have contempt for anyone who doesn't jump on their bandwagons. Well, use the delete key and ignore them.
just when you think you've made friends with a "normal" person
by Hortensia inrode over to the farmer's market with a couple of neighbors, nice women, seem sensible.
the driver stopped in the middle of a block and stared at the coca-cola truck that was parked there.
she said, "do you see the round tower?
As long as I feel pretty sure the person isn't dangerous, well I just enjoy the stories. Lots of entertaining stuff going on out there. LisaRose, that must have been a fun place to work, with the guy to talked to aliens and Thumpy.