Oh well, it's fun to joke about it.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
first T-day dinner this year
by Hortensia ini live in a seniors-only apartment complex.
management has a tendency to patronize us, which is interesting and rather entertaining.
today we had our annual t-day dinner for the seniors, catered by a local church.
Well, this current writer just doesn't have the mojo the old one did -- one of them was Russell Davies -- can't remember the other guy's name. Anyway, the last couple of years of Dr. Who haven't been that good except for a few shows.
This most recent one -- The Day of the Doctor -- wasn't especially memorable except for the cool role for Rose Tyler. O/W, kind of hohum.
Still, I'm looking forward to Capaldi. An older doctor sounds like a good idea.
Do you have smoking ban in your community?
by Iamallcool indoes it include all public places, etc...?.
Smoking is banned on the property where I live, the entire apartment complex. Smoking is banned on the entire hospital property next door. So I see the amusing sight of hospital and apartment employees standing exactly on the property line between the apartments and the hospital so they can smoke. It's very funny to see.
Smoking has been banned in indoors public places in California for a long time. It's rather a shock to go to some other state and have to eat in smoky smelly restaurants, try to find a hotel with non-smoking rooms. I don't think I actually know anyone who smokes. Progress!
Well, I finally got to watch the Day of the Doctor. Found a legal place that streamed it for free from the UK. I have to say, what a cool role for Rose Tyler! I liked that quite a bit.
first T-day dinner this year
by Hortensia ini live in a seniors-only apartment complex.
management has a tendency to patronize us, which is interesting and rather entertaining.
today we had our annual t-day dinner for the seniors, catered by a local church.
You have to get into training! I've been doing 1700 calories/day for weeks now. Some days as low as 1400 calories. I plan to eat my several t-day dinners and not gain a pound!
Please correct these sentences.
by compound complex in.
walking down the street, the trees were beautiful.. i saw the trailer peeking through the window.. reaching the station, the sun came out.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/dangling_modifier.
Those sentences don't really have enough information in them. Who was walking down the street? Who reached the station?
Walking down the street, the trees were beautiful. Walking down the street, I saw the trees were beautiful.
I saw the trailer peeking through the window. Peeking through the window, I saw the trailer.
Reaching the station, the sun came out. The sun came out when I reached the station.
Survey: Who Here Believe In God/The Bible? Who Are Not Sure? Who Do Not Believe?
by minimus ini think there are many that still want to believe in a god but just aren't sure.. personally, do you believe in a god?.
are you a "spiritual" person?.
oh jesus, same old discussion, round and round
To answer the OP, I don't believe in any religion, don't believe in any spirit world, don't believe in any kind of god. I think this life is all we get, and we should do the best we can to enjoy it without harming others.
The bible, well the kindest thing you can say about it is that it is folklore.
Past-Life Regression
by Hortensia inanother long story, folks.. when i left the wtbts at the age of 30-ish, i was wide open to anything.
i had decided i might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
i was going to massage school, which was full of true believers of every sort from the christians through the eastern religions to the woowoo artists.
Urban legends are often very funny. And people get really annoyed if you send them some correct information, such as Snopes.com. They aren't interested in the truth of the matter, just in a good story so they can get righteously angry.
he refused a transfusion... and died
by sister x ingrowing up my mom told me that my father passed away from a heart attack in 1989 and i always believed her.
a few yrs ago i went snooping in her closet and found my fathers medical records.
i took them without her knowing and read them when i got home.. i have worked in hospitals all my life and i am an rn, im use to reviewing records.
I'm very sorry, such a sad thing to find out.
Past-Life Regression
by Hortensia inanother long story, folks.. when i left the wtbts at the age of 30-ish, i was wide open to anything.
i had decided i might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb.
i was going to massage school, which was full of true believers of every sort from the christians through the eastern religions to the woowoo artists.
Another long story, folks.
When I left the wtbts at the age of 30-ish, I was wide open to anything. I had decided I might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. I was going to massage school, which was full of true believers of every sort from the christians through the eastern religions to the woowoo artists. I was willing to try out everything -- amazing I didn't get into trouble! -- and one of the things I tried was past-life regression. Since I wanted new experiences, and was willing to believe anything if it seemed believable, past-lives sounded intriguing and who the hell knew? Might be true.
So a friend of mine who specialized in them had me lie down, and hypnotized me. She never mentioned past-life regression, just asked me to find myself in an elevator, going up or down, my choice. She asked me to stop at any floor and tell me what I saw when the door opened. It was interesting. At one point I was a little boy during WWII who hid in the Natural History museum in New York. After the museum closed, I wandered around and was deliciously frightened by the scary exhibits.
At another point I was a woman pioneer at the trail beginning in Independence, Missouri. We were loading up our covered wagon to start the trip to California. At some point on the trip I got shot by an arrow in the back, running away from marauding Indians. And so on, up and down the elevator. It was fascinating and I'm glad I had the experience. Did it make me believe in past lives? Well, no. It was pretty clear to me that all the stories were coming from my own mind, and were focused around subjects about which I had some knowledge. My mother brought me up on stories about the pioneers and the wild West, for instance, since she came from Wyoming. The only one I wasn't really familiar with was the museum in NY, which I've never visited, but I imagine it was drawn from some book I read.
It was the same with everything else I tried. I visited a lot of religions. They're pretty much all the same, based on human ideas attempting to explain life. Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurveda, various other kinds of massage, crystals, vibrations, essential oils, a bunch of that stuff has some value, but the beliefs surrounding them aren't true.
Too much common sense. I tried out all of it and could see that there are a lot of interesting beliefs out there, but not much basis for any of them in reality.
I even went to watch a Philippine psychic doctor do "surgery." I could see 1) that it was faked with bloody little bits of what looked like chicken skin, and 2) he was doing a damned good abdominal massage which is probably what gave the patient some relief. I've done tons of abd. massage and it has really good results. However, it can't cure cancer or other diseases, which is what some people claim.
It was a lot of fun, but not much of it is true.