I look at three forums pretty much every day, this one, a knitting/crochet forum and a weight-loss forum. They are so different. The weight-loss site has loads of useful apps, but the forum consists of posts by people who are mostly pretty young, self-absorbed and ill-informed except on a narrow range of information, mainly weight-lifting, working out, and starving themselves.
The folks on the knitting/crochet forum are extremely polite, politically correct, and obey rules very carefully. Other than that, there are some seriously creative people with amazing artistic talent that expresses itself in fiber arts. Me, I like knitting, so it's interesting to see what things people are designing and knitting. Not so much interested in crochet.
JWN, aside from a few whackdoodles, has some really interesting, intelligent people and some of the discussions are very deep and teach me a lot. Not that I contribute to the deeply meaningful threads -- I'm more of a fluff thread person.
That's all. Nothing significant here, except what I've noticed about the people on each forum. As I said, I'm pretty trivial and interested in fluff.
I leave you with a link to Stephen West designs -- he designs knitting patterns and I guess you could call his work haute couture.