Set an example for the congregation in how to take care of your wife/family. Your wife needs you, the cong. really doesn't need you.
I always love to hear from a man who loves his wife == good for you.
Set an example for the congregation in how to take care of your wife/family. Your wife needs you, the cong. really doesn't need you.
I always love to hear from a man who loves his wife == good for you.
yes, that is jesus with the gray sock on his head!.
Oh how I hate that song. I've always wanted to shoot the little drummer boy. But, I though they sounded good, off to youtube to see what else they've done.
looking for feedback.
to bring you all back up to speed, wife is ex-jw.
shunned by her brother and parts of her family at uncles jw funeral.
I love it that you love your wife. I don't think you'll get anywhere with the asshole BIL, but go ahead and try. Let him know he can't treat your wife that way.
were you a born in or a convert?.
i began studying with a pioneer sister when i was 20 years old, my life had just gone to total sh*t (my husband had recently left me, was all alone with our young babies, and was very depressed).
"the truth" sounded so wonderful, the jws were so helpful, kind and supportive.
Thanks for sharing -- I'm so glad you and your family are all out of the org. and happy together
so if you read thru my previous posts from years ago u can see a little background of my life.
to do a quick summary i was df'd at 19, got into the party lifestyle which included party drugs and lots of alcohol.
at 24 i decided to step bacdk and really try to get my life in order.
If you're not sure about being gay, marriage to a woman is not a good idea. Imagine her distress if you are gay and eventually leave the marriage. Take your time to figure out who you really are. Get an education, if at all possible.
I don't know, maybe none of my business to have said that, but I know of a couple of unhappy marriages because the husband or wife eventually admitted being gay and the marriages broke up.
i have gained the distinct impression that many pioneers are real free loaders.
the pioneer couple i used to study with always arranged (or re-arranged) the study to coincide with lunch.
they never once thought to bring a pack of cookies or something.
Speaking as a former regular pioneer, I think you are being unfair to paint all pioneers with the same brush. I pioneered and was desperately poor, of course, and was terribly grateful for any generosity. Actually generosity was slim, so on the rare occasions someone invited me to a meal or gave me $5 for gas, I really appreciated it. But I never took advantage of the generosity of others and eventually quit pioneering to earn a living for myself.
I know some people are users, but not all pioneers were.
i have recently become friends with some women who belong to a church in my area.
they are fun, great women.
one of them used to be a witness actually but it has been many years.
Very interesting OP -- I had the same experience, a very odd feeling when I realized that I never really believed. When I got out of the org., and started thinking about the Bible, I realized that I never had believed it. I studied a lot and was a pioneer and all that bullshit, but it just kept me from thinking, it didn't make me believe.
google this:.
"interview with an apostate:"
boom done.. thanks..
Thanks -- I caught up on all of them more easily this way.
so if you read thru my previous posts from years ago u can see a little background of my life.
to do a quick summary i was df'd at 19, got into the party lifestyle which included party drugs and lots of alcohol.
at 24 i decided to step bacdk and really try to get my life in order.
You should be able to find some free counseling somewhere in your community, although you may have to hunt for it. When I lived in San Diego and was getting out of the org., I went to County Mental Health and found a very good counselor, and I didn't have to pay for the counseling.
tell us a little about yourself and your family.
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married 35 years to a raised-in since five years old, now ex-jw.
Individual elders and pioneers drop by unannounced now and then, especially on rainy days.
LOL -- for a cup of coffee and shelter from the rain?
I like your idea that religion inhibits human potential. It's true.