I could work up a little anger I suppose, over rotten stuff that happened while I was in that religion. But, dammit, it was so long ago and I was so glad to escape, I don't want to waste any time being angry over it. I turned my back on it a long time ago and I like being a cheerful atheist.
JoinedPosts by Hortensia
by Hummingbird001 ini have noticed that there are different reactions to learning the "truth about the truth".
some become quite bitter and angry and become very activist.
others seem to just move on quite easily.. .
How Cold is it Where You Are?
by PYRAMIDSCHEME inwith the polar vortex swirling further and further south and breaking records how cold is it where you are?.
here in gettysburg pa last night night we hit a low of -4 degrees but we were blessed with some wind that dropped the wind chill down to -22..
well, I'm in northern California, a couple hundred miles north of Flipper. Very strange winter, no snow in town, hardly any snow on the mountains and bleak prospect of water rationing in much of California if we don't get some rain/snow this winter. Actually we need a LOT of rain or snow, maybe you all could send some of that snow our way.
Wow LittleToe!
by IP_SEC indang man, your site has seen a lot of traffic over the past few years .
Thanks for the reminder. I enjoyed reading that over again. It's kind of a pity that Little Toe went to a different religion after the wtbts, but I don't think anyone has ever equalled his nerve in giving an exit talk like that.
I wonder what he's doing nowadays?
I just binned all my meeting clothes.
by quellycatface ina bit rash but very necessary.i never really liked them anyway..
haven't worn hose or a bra in 30-some years. Woohoo!!!
Something to chuckle about.. . .
by ABibleStudent inas i hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind - every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.. john glenn.
when the white missionaries came to africa they had the bible and we had the land.
they said 'let us pray.
Thanks for the good laugh -- I hadn't heard most of those before.
Head of the House?
by cofty ini often see comments by ex-jws that would suggest some men still view themselves as "head of the house".
sometimes comments from women appear to support the idea as well.. how many still see things this way or have you completely got over it?.
It's typical of religion, isn't it? I don't know of any religions that consider men and women to be equal partners in a marriage. The more extreme the religion, the more women are suppressed/oppressed.
I recall sitting in a restaurant once with my husband, listening to several women at the next table (not JWs) talk about how "headship" was a test from god to teach women humility. They were very smug about the whole thing, topping one another with stories about how they subjected themselves to their husbands' rules. It was nauseating. I finally said, quite loudly, "why don't women learn to use the brains god gave them?"
My mother was the classic "let the man rule the house" type of JW. Once I asked her why she didn't get something repaired in her house. She said that her husband didn't want her to do it. I said, "but he has Alzheimer's. When are you going to start using the brain god gave you?" Her reply was classic: "when the elders tell me I can." Oh, lordy.
BTW, I don't believe in god, but I was speaking to/about people who do believe in god.
Reconstructing Music from the Buddhist Past
by fulltimestudent inthe mogao grottoes were an important stop on the trading network we call the silk road.. they are of interest to us, for the information they contain about the past.
left behind are wonderful images as well as text documents illustrating the transmission of buddhism across asia.. now a chinese institution in gansu province, where the mogao grottoes are located, has attempted to reconstruct both the musicval instruments pictured in some 4000 illustrations and the music that was played on them.. a video is included in the following report from chinese cctv;.
archaic music restored at mogao grottoes01-05-2014 09:32 bjt.
Thanks for sharing -- it would be interesting to hear more of the music, wouldn't it?
How Long Have You Been Viewing Thiis Site? Does It Serve Its Purpose For You?
by minimus ini've been here forever.... this site still gives us some of the most up to date info about jws .
it keeps evolving.
sometimes it is the place to be and i think that's especially true for newbies.
Seven years, almost daily I'm surprised to say.
News from Wooville
by Hortensia inhad a nice long conversation with my "spiritual" neighbor, a little old lady who believes everything she hears.
she was telling me about emotional healing which you do with a chart that tells you what your emotions mean and how to heal them.
it wasn't very clear, i still don't understand what the treatment part of it is, and she couldn't explain it.
Reality is amazing enough. You don't really have to fantasize or believe in magic.
News from Wooville
by Hortensia inhad a nice long conversation with my "spiritual" neighbor, a little old lady who believes everything she hears.
she was telling me about emotional healing which you do with a chart that tells you what your emotions mean and how to heal them.
it wasn't very clear, i still don't understand what the treatment part of it is, and she couldn't explain it.
I blame Deepak Chopra. He just uses the word quantum a lot and people think he's a scientist, but he's just waffling on about a bunch of twaddle. I swear, if I could think of something I could preach with a straight face I would start my own new age movement.