so, was my post rude or just an honest report of my feelings?
I see everyone started playing their tapes. Conversation on this forum is often not much different than conversation with some of the whackdoodles who live around here and believe there are invisible doorways that gypsies use to escape the police. A favorite comment of many around here is, "well, that's just YOUR reality. I have my own reality." WTF? How can you have any discussion with folks who believe reality isn't real? They are enchanted with their ideas, which is OK, but living as though those fantasies are in fact true makes them a bit crazy. Lots of people are enchanted with their religious ideas, too, but they don't seem to care whether the foundation is real or can be proven.
The only one who challenged what I said in an interesting way was Laika.
I don't much care what other people believe. I just don't want to listen to it very much.