JoinedTopics Started by C_of_Tranquility
Mormon's go door to door
by truthseeker inhttp://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2006/12/20/news/features/908features.txtmormon missionaries proselytize despite hurdlesby mary garrigan, journal staff writerat 5 p.m., the thermometer reads 103 degrees in the shade, and elder jeff pyper, a burly young mormon missionary with the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, has been knocking on doors in a rapid city neighborhood all afternoon.. .
angie friedt and her daughter, landry, 6, answer a knock at the door of their rapid valley home from three missionaries of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.
(steve mcenroe/journal staff).
Advice please! (kinda urgent)
by Schism inok, so let's say you haven't gone to a meeting in a while.
then along comes the co visit (the first since you've stopped attending).
everyone has pretty much left you alone up until this point, right?
What's Your Attitude Toward Men & Women----Stereotypical???
by minimus inare all men and women the same?
do you regard members of the opposite sex "typical"?
Kingdom Hall shooting
by Stealth insad to see people so effected by this religon that they resort to violence.
i was glad to here no one was fatally ingured.
Re-enactment of the Milgram Experiment
by C_of_Tranquility inbefore it was illegal to do psychology experiments on humans, dr. milgram did this test to see what people will do simply if they're told to.
it's a 10 minute clip so check it out here-----> http://tinyurl.com/yxe7t ......there are others that are similar you can google like the stanford prison experiment and jane elliott.
but i found dr. milgram's experiment the most disturbing and while you watch the clip keep in mind there are no guns held to anyone's head for enforcement.
Stupid things you thought as a JW
by JWdaughter inok growing up jw, i was clueless about how 'the world' worked.
i had some weird ideas that took a long time to dispell.
one that i got fairly quickly, and embarassingly was when at school, after easter vacation (still was that, then!
Your JW Memories of Christmas
by Nosferatu infor those of you who grew up in the troof, what do you remember about christmas eve and christmas day?.
i recall an empty feeling.
it was a special day all over the world, except for the jws.
jib jab says armegeddon wont be long...
by candidlynuts inhttp://www.jibjab.com/nuckin_futs.
its the year in review , in song ... funny stuff and they end it with the phrase " armegeddon wont be long" !
Parchment of Chinon
by C_of_Tranquility inin 2002, dr. barbara frale found a copy of the parchment in the vatican secret archives.
frale has published her discovery about the chinon parchment in the journal of medieval history and wrote a book in italian on the subject in 2004. the document sheds some new light on the knight templars.
here is a link to check it out...........http://www.inrebus.com/chinon.html
Video documentaries to watch for free with links
by C_of_Tranquility infirst off i just come here lurking as a guest to read similar experiences everyone has had with the jehovah's witnesses.
i am an ex-jw myself, born and raised in the faith til i turned 16. then ran away from home and was disassociated.
maybe i will tell my sad story some other day, but for the most part i do not like to post stuff on the internet.