JoinedTopics Started by C_of_Tranquility
My roommate went to the one day assembly yesterday
by oppgirl63 in1,940 people attended.
10 baptized - 6 female, 4 male --- youngest 10 yrs old, oldest 66 yrs old.
Ed Brown exclusive Interview about his current standoff with IRS
by C_of_Tranquility inhttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3956130595394471955......please keep this man in your thoughts as this still has yet to play out.
Being materialistic, as a disfellowshipping reason.
by free2beme inmy sister and i, are my mothers only two children.
we were both witnesses at one point, i left ten year ago and my sister left in 2005. my mother remains as the only witness left in my immediate family.
while my sister and i make good money, with our careers and duel income in marriage, we don't talk about it much.
What-A-Coincidence for you
by C_of_Tranquility inif i am not mistaken i think your icon is a symbol for the bad guys of the transformers.
i remember these toons as a kid.
anyhow here is a trailer i found for it.
Comedy: Atheism & Catholicism
by C_of_Tranquility inmediocre skit but the ending makes up for it watch it here.....http://spikedhumor.com/articles/73719/dane_cook_atheism_catholicism.html
edit: warning there is profanity
Worst platform jokes
by Fleshybirdfodder inremember those jokes we heard time and time again from the platform yet still everyone got a good (fake) chuckle?
i remember hearing this one a million times: "a pioneer was stressing about which vehicle to buy for service, but remember, jesus said '"follow in my footsteps, not my tire tracks!!!
Mormon's go door to door
by truthseeker inhttp://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2006/12/20/news/features/908features.txtmormon missionaries proselytize despite hurdlesby mary garrigan, journal staff writerat 5 p.m., the thermometer reads 103 degrees in the shade, and elder jeff pyper, a burly young mormon missionary with the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints, has been knocking on doors in a rapid city neighborhood all afternoon.. .
angie friedt and her daughter, landry, 6, answer a knock at the door of their rapid valley home from three missionaries of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.
(steve mcenroe/journal staff).
Advice please! (kinda urgent)
by Schism inok, so let's say you haven't gone to a meeting in a while.
then along comes the co visit (the first since you've stopped attending).
everyone has pretty much left you alone up until this point, right?
What's Your Attitude Toward Men & Women----Stereotypical???
by minimus inare all men and women the same?
do you regard members of the opposite sex "typical"?
Kingdom Hall shooting
by Stealth insad to see people so effected by this religon that they resort to violence.
i was glad to here no one was fatally ingured.