Just so long as you don't feed them on bread soaked in sherry or vodka so that they fall over dead drunk. That would be a terrible thing to do.
i've got pigeons nesting/roosting on my roof, blocking my gutters and messing all over my car.
any ideas how to get rid?
Just so long as you don't feed them on bread soaked in sherry or vodka so that they fall over dead drunk. That would be a terrible thing to do.
Any Romance Been Sparked From the JWD?
Yeah, about 20 guys all fell for the same gorgeous gal.
years ago i was driving down the highway one night, listening to a radio talk show host.. he had some time to kill, so he said to the audience, "i know, let's talk about liver!
how many of you out there like liver?
and if you do like liver, do you have a favorite recipe.".
Next time you make spaghetti bolognese, try throwing in some chopped chicken livers with the mince. WoW! So rich!
Terrifying. Look:
jwd is the premier ex-jw site without a doubt.
simon, you've done one hell of a job in creating and maintaining a meeting and learning place for current, exiting, and long-gone dubs.
for that i salute you.. we can come here and speak our minds about the wts.
Just some info for those who are interested.
A Daily Telegraph survey revealed that around 77% of British Muslims condemned the bombings. However, it also said that only 18% of Brit-born male Muslims felt in their heart as though they were British citizens. Conversely, over 50% of female Muslims felt as though they were truly British.
I'm also told (by several Londoners) that London cabbies are refusing to pick up young men of Asian appearance and just driving by. In turn, the young men are deliberately riding on tube trains carrying back-packs so as to upset train passengers, who have, on several occasions, bodily hoisted them off the train.
It does all point to the fact that it is mainly a section young disillusioned males who are the real problem. These are easy meat for terrorist leaders.
Personally, I don't like it when folk paint a group with such a broad brush so that everyone in a faith is included in the general condemnation. Here is WSM, the majority of social and criminal problems are caused by young white males. The Muslim community here are generally law-abiding and upstanding citizens, although they do mix in with the local people so I guess they're not fundamentalist.
no this is not another { i am leaving this forum }.
it is just that i no longer am so hungry for the many posts as i once was.
i could not wait to get home and sign on to read all the posts from newbies and the heavy hitters.
Hey, this is great. Can you imagine a new book release at the next assembly where there are different classes of apostates? Old timers and juniors, I wonder what they'd call them?
no this is not another { i am leaving this forum }.
it is just that i no longer am so hungry for the many posts as i once was.
i could not wait to get home and sign on to read all the posts from newbies and the heavy hitters.
Who said it was a sign of progress to dump one's on-line community?
Why do you have to stop posting in order to move on?
How about us guys who have moved on who remain here in order to give a leg up to those who haven't?
click this link and upload your pics.... http://www.play-analogia.com/cgi-bin/index/u/.
evidently i look like shannon doherty and two asian celebs...!
hurrah... i like the shannon doherty one... (strange about the asian ones i'm aussie as they come!.
Billy Fury.
He ain't looking too good now, mind.
minimus does not appear to have posted for at least 5 hours!
anybody any ideas or like to speculate as to what could have taken our little red rotund rebel?.
i'm betting on alien abduction!
I think he got taken up in a chariot.