JoinedTopics Started by enricofrassinetti
The invisible war of Jesus !! Hebrew 11:3
by enricofrassinetti inwhat wants to mean the invisibile war of jesus?
according to what it is written on purpose of the systems of things puttinges in order from god.
hebrew11:3 explains: "for faith we comprise that the systems of things were placed in order from the word of god, for which that that looks at it is risen from things that do not appear".
Ours "Pyramid Schemes" not dangerious...
by enricofrassinetti in.
dear brothers and sisters and friends.. i have seen the discussion about the think that ours multi level marketing "pyramid schemes" is dangerious for its systems.. ours schemes system its different, because all start from the work and not from the money.. in fact a worker take also the position of promoter but before work in it, and after promotion ours alimentary products.. this system is different, from amway or herbalife or other equal system of network marketing, because is to do job with a system of "turn over" the persons in a cooperative system of distribution door to door.. is a little complicated from its exposition, but is more easy engage in its organization.. i hope that when come the bad conditions you ask here in italy how copy it in america.. sincerly.
enrico frassinetti
ENRICO FRASSINETTI is............. a "REAL...
by enricofrassinetti inyes dears all.. i have seen that beyond 300 views, has interested about my position.. i am an anointed member from 1998 of the congregation of the jehovah's witnesses .
only after many discussions with the elders, is comes my disfellowshipping, but "the truth" must to be continued inexorably.. sincerly.
enrico frassinetti
New Light on Isahia 60:12 (Really Last Days?)
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters.
i hope that you have seen these scriptures, on isahia 60:12, about the conditions, before of harmagheddon.if here there is written that jehovah's people, must to be richs, because will be that are sucking the nations resources, when this must to succeed?how we can suck resources to the nations, if their there are not more, because directly destructed from jehovah?.
if we must to suck resources to the nations, will be possible do it, only if we live with their and at the same time.......this is the singular answer.. about this and with many analogies with revelation about the mark of the beast that obblige all to receive his mark for to buy and to sell, eyes of the intelligence must see that the jheovah's people must to be separated from the his economic systems and financial transactions, included that religious and politically.. i am thinking, that this i am saying, not is very difficult from to understand, and maybe, about all letters that i am written in the forum/friends ,about the fixed price and the barcode how that of digital angel and about the slavery from the debit, i believe that is better to analyze it.. if you read ezechiel 38:10-13, about the condition into gog of magog that are combating against the jehovah's people, eliminate all the doubts, because the condition of wealth, not only that spiritual, must to be profited before of the conditions of the days of hermagheddon.. for this i sustain that we have the obligation of construct an economic system capable of to suck the resources to the nations.. i hope that these informations will be accepted with the importance that it has.. sincerly .
by enricofrassinetti in.
dear all.. always sorry for my english, but i hope that will be understandable.. i have founded in this forum, many informations on the signify of the barcode or digital angel remembered from undisfellowshipped, how methods of the beast 666 of manage all humanity in slavery, by means of the financials control system and of the trade, but is necessary give more informations with detail, for give certitude.. there are many studies on the bible, and in the actual economies, for sustain this "new light".. the discovered about the new electronics system control, that between little time will be implanted on the persons of the entire world, will make all real servers of god, in the conditions of to accept with the force, this mark.. i hope that you see the analisy of the satan economic system in this web page www.testimonidigeova.org/analysing.htm for better understand all the news concepts applicated with a practical system for to form, the new bases of a new economic system based on the absence of the competition in the trade, with another distribution system of the economic resources, producted from all his sustainers.
by enricofrassinetti indear all .. from others days, i am writing about the explanations on the barcode and his to signify.. evidently not is been understood what i want say, probably for my incapacity of speak well english.
about this, i will very happy if some brother or sister help me in this.. all systems applicated, on the system of buy and sell of the beast, and his worl trade organization, utilize the barcode for insert a "fixed price" to the supermarkets, when the private go to acquire whatever product.
(can you discuss the prices when go to pay to the cash box?).
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
(and answering also to undisfellowshipped) .
excuse me always for my broken english.. i have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that i speak when i say that is the barcode the mark of the beast 666.. .
Against the Project of the Beast 666! New Economy
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
before of all, sorry for my broken english.. .
the rediscovered of the barcode, how march of the wide beast 666 (revelation 13:16-18), is more significant, because the last events about the economy that is collapsing, explaining that is written in the bible about revelation 6:6 , 16:2.. second new light, the bad conditions prevised in the great tribulation, are from impute to the collapse of the economies of the world, and in these last times, this possibility is very real, and very near.
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
(and answering also to undisfellowshipped) .
excuse me always for my broken english.
by enricofrassinetti indear brothers and sisters of the world.
excuse me always for my broken english.
i have seen many discussions in this forum, about the barcode, but want specify, that is only symbolically that i speak when i say that is the barcode the mark of the beast 666. .