I can't imagine wanting a married man! I'd rather have my own and I wouldn't take someone else's, even if I could.
But talking to a married man can be fun chat though. I enjoy that, if the man is generally interesting or just good at conversation.
i would be interested to hear from the ladies about women that go after married men.
why do some seek them out over single guys?
i remember years ago reading an article about them but i do not remember much.
I can't imagine wanting a married man! I'd rather have my own and I wouldn't take someone else's, even if I could.
But talking to a married man can be fun chat though. I enjoy that, if the man is generally interesting or just good at conversation.
the title of the thread is more geared towards those who found out the truth about the truth via the internet.
the very first time the word "jehovah" or "watchtower" appeared in a negative light on your computer screen, were you casually surfing the web as a good little jw, or were you intentionally searching for an explanation over something you knew to be wrong in the organization?.
for me, i started visiting h2o back around 1996. i think i simply plugged in "jehovah" in a netscape seach engine and viola!
were you intentionally searching for an explanation over something you knew to be wrong in the organization?
I was deliberately searching for information and confirmation of my doubts.
reasons, not excuses -- even valid ones (like, "i was ignorant, depressed, fooled").. yours in the sense that you can still own (to) them -- even though you now know the "answer" was wrong.. this obviously applies to those who became jws -- hence mostly not born-in, although some of the latter might admit to having chosen the jw way for themselves at a certain stage of their childhood or teenage years.. this question is triggered by a previous conversation with purplesofa on another thread:.
i think most of us that came in and not born in were searching.
our hearts were pure in our search.
I felt the future for me and for the world was perilous, hopeless; and along came these dignified, highly self-assured people with all the answers! I knew nothing of the Bible, and they seemed to know it inside and out, so their take on most things seemed right to me at the time.
That and they embraced me so completely - I was instantly part of an active group of well-respected young people, with lots of social plans and plenty of purpose. Wow!
they say,wonders never cease, how true.
man has created many things.
being in the construction business for four decades erecting tall structural steel frame buildings, etc, it amazes me how man has built many awesome structures.
Well I'm sorry, that link was wrong!
Here it is, I think!!
they say,wonders never cease, how true.
man has created many things.
being in the construction business for four decades erecting tall structural steel frame buildings, etc, it amazes me how man has built many awesome structures.
No edit available on last post. I don't think the url is right, let me try this:
they say,wonders never cease, how true.
man has created many things.
being in the construction business for four decades erecting tall structural steel frame buildings, etc, it amazes me how man has built many awesome structures.
[url=Islamic Architecture]http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8018912082115778034&q=architecture&hl=en[/url]
I truly don't like religion and to be honest, I'm uncomfortable with the very mention of "Islam". But this documentary video came to my attention when amazing man-made things were being discussed. And I do so love architecture and am quite in awe of what man in general is capable of doing. And I love documentaries.
ways to maintain a healthy level of insanity .
1. at lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at passing cars.
see if they slow down.
4. Finish All Your sentences with "In Accordance With The Prophecy."
6. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go."
8. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play tropical Sounds All Day.
Ha ha! :D
i was just reading the convention thread..the wbt$ tells jehovah`s witness`s which hotels they can and cannot stay in..i`ve been out a long time,so this is news to me..wbt$ continues to expand thier control over jehovah`s witness`s..jehovah`s witness`s continue to give up more and more of thier personal freedom to a publishing company.this has continued for as long as i can remember..make no mistake,wbt$ will come up with many more rules for jehovah`s witness`s to follow...what new moronic rules do you see the wbt$ imposeing on jehovah`s witness`s?...outlaw
In the future, all "gatherings" must be scheduled and cleared with the PO, and have no more than 10 participants present, 2 of which must be elders.
In the future, the Watchtower will simply bill your credit card a "Kingdom Publisher Donation" each month based on a "Kingdom Needs Estimate" that is announced at the District Convention. All will approve the Kingdom Estimate for the coming year, so no renewal notice will be sent. Pioneers will receive a small discount.
I don't think you're far off on either of these becoming a reality!
In the future, publishers will be required to wear GPS units to assure their whereabouts at all times, under the guise of confirming actual time spent in field service.
Oh my gosh!! Lol!
i was just reading the convention thread..the wbt$ tells jehovah`s witness`s which hotels they can and cannot stay in..i`ve been out a long time,so this is news to me..wbt$ continues to expand thier control over jehovah`s witness`s..jehovah`s witness`s continue to give up more and more of thier personal freedom to a publishing company.this has continued for as long as i can remember..make no mistake,wbt$ will come up with many more rules for jehovah`s witness`s to follow...what new moronic rules do you see the wbt$ imposeing on jehovah`s witness`s?...outlaw
OUTLAW, since you brought it up about marriage...
JW couples getting married must ask permission to use the Kingdom Hall. And of course evaluated to insure both are in good standing before Jah.
Only Jehovah Style music can be played on the PA System.
No rice is to be thrown.
(Have they banned the decorating of the car?) If they haven't, that will be next.
I don't see how wedding cake is any different than birthday cake, so they should ban that. Besides, there is no mention of a wedding cake at the wedding Jesus attended.
Perhaps the elders need to institute pre-marriage counciling, that way the woman will know her place early on.
Elders should investigate any couple who choses not to be married at the Kingdom Hall to find out why they can't get married before Jehovah. Surely there must be some good reason for turning their back on their creator on such a blessed event.
(What else can be done to insure the JW wedding will be a miserable event?)
That is some funny stuff jayhawk!! LOL! I have to break it all down - I find everything you said very interesting:
I don't see how wedding cake is any different than birthday cake, so they should ban that. Besides, there is no mention of a wedding cake at the wedding Jesus attended.
(What else can be done to insure the JW wedding will be a miserable event?)
Elders should investigate any couple who choses not to be married at the Kingdom Hall to find out why they can't get married before Jehovah. Surely there must be some good reason for turning their back on their creator on such a blessed event.
I've already had a long-time pioneer sister express this very sentiment. That she might not attend a family wedding because of the lack of appreciation the couple was showing for Jehovah, by electing to have the wedding in a beautiful park instead of the Kingdom Hall. How pathetic! I do believe the Creator built the lush earth, not any Kingdom Halls, himself.
JW couples getting married must ask permission to use the Kingdom Hall. And of course evaluated to insure both are in good standing before Jah.
Only Jehovah Style music can be played on the PA System.
No rice is to be thrown.
It's my understanding, these rules are already in place?
during his visit, what exactly does the circuit overseer discuss with the body of elders with regards to inactive publishers?.
are inactive publishers even on the agenda?
or is this of no concern to the co and pretty much left to the discretion of the local boe?.
I think it's because most elders know, deep in their hearts, that once someone who knows what they know takes a walk, there is little they can do to get that one back.
I like that. You bet! :)