I've often thought about the Witness world and compared it to the Truman Show, remember that film with Jim Carrey? Its one of my favourites as it shows how easy it is to just accept the world we're presented with if there's nothing thats allowed to contradict what we see or hear.
In the film, Truman starts to feel that all is not well with his world and wants to spread his wings. These doubts are fed by a girl he fell in love with who hated to see him tricked by the phoney world and warned him. She was forcebly removed from his life by the producer. Despite the manouvering to keep him in one place, he finally breaks free from the make believe world and enters the real. (a tearjerker moment!)
At the meetings, and particularly the big conventions, the make believe world is presented in all its falseness. Those that are just starting to feel all is not right with the JW world,are quickly reassured and made to feel its all is ok again. However, give it a few days at most and they'll start to get the old feeling that all is not right again.
Whether they act on those feelings remains to be seen. But Bonafide, in a sense you are the girl in this scenario. You are the one giving a warning that all is not well with the JW phoney world. Play it carefully and you will stay. Be bold and you will be removed.
But getting your family out is up to them. They have to feel for themselves that all is not well. Then if you gently feed those doubts, they may wake up and step free. But you can only do so much, the rest is up to them.
If you haven't seen the film, I'd recommend it. you're in for a treat!