Hi HappyGuy
We haven't spoken before so its good to see a fresh opinion on here.
Franz was a member of the body which orchestrates the brain washing. I am skeptical that what he says now is the truth because he willingly told lies for so long.
I think its helpful to remember that Ray Franz didn't willingly tell lies. As a GB member he still believed that he was part of God's Organization and made decisions believing he was working for Jehovah (didn't we all?) and the flaws he saw within it would be corrected in time.
The fact that he realised those flaws were just too deep and too fundamental to be fixed finally brought him in conflict with the Organization.
Yes I understand your hesitation with Franz, after all he was part of the problem for 9 years. But please think about this, If Ray Franz had stayed a GB member despite witnessing the lack of concern for people, despite the unscriptural policies and doctrines and despite the checkered prophetic history, then I can fully understand your distrust of him.
But he didn't stay. He saw deep problems and was willing to come into conflict with the Org for the sake of love for biblical truth and for the brothers. Its this crisis of conscience and the fact that he was willing to sacrifice long-term friendships, position, prestige and livelihood to follow what he found to be right that brings the man much admiration.
No other GB member has been willing to makes such sacrifices before or since.
I do urge you to read Crisis of Conscience, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.