If I went back then I'd be like a dog returning to the vomit.
JoinedPosts by boyzone
What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s
by jam ina year or two after leaving the borg.
i was on shaky ground.. any major catastrophe in the world that took place, i thought.
today i can not think of one single event.
Talked to 2 jw's today
by JunkYardDog ini ran into a father and his 10 yr old jw daugther .
i asked for the mag's and started anti= witnessing.
i'm guessing the man was about 40 yrs old and ask him how long he's been a member of the wts.?
You're a straight shooter aren't ya JYD? I like that.
I bet your words will be remembered. Good job
Does anyone out there understand how i feel?
by TimothyT inmy name is tim, im 23, from the uk, and im currently a jw!.
ok... to cut a long story short... i love serving jehovah but ive begun now to embrace my sexuality as a gay man.. although im still attending the meetings, praying to jehovah and trying my hardest, i can no longer lie to myself about my sexuality.. i have had enough of feeling depressed and confused now - its killing me!!!.
does anyone else know what i feel like?
Hi Tim
I am in the UK and my son who's 27 is disfellowshipped for being gay. He has been through alot of emotions dealing with his sexuality and fully understands how confused you must feel. I will PM his facebook details to you if you wish to talk to him.
There's also a website for gay JW's at http://www.gayxjw.org/ I'm sure they would offer you a great deal of support and understanding.
But don't despair honey, it'll be ok if you remain true to yourself. You can't go on living a lie like this, its destroying you! Take courage, you're not alone....
The Gentile Times Reconsidered
by Spade indisproving the date 1914 as a significant year in bible prophecy is of great importance to some (e.g.
carl o. jonsson).
along with the meticulous details of bible and secular chronology, broadening one's horizons when assessing exactly what this date represents when compared against the 6000 years of human history likewise has merit.
Yeah, thanks from me too MrMustard. I was gonna post COJ's response to Rolf Furuli but you beat me to it. Carl leaves no doubt that Furuli's research is deeply flawed.
Cooeeee!!! Spade!!!! Where you at girl???
If you really are interested in TRUTH then examine both sides, not just the WT side.
New member - my story
by Millions injust a brief introduction, i thought i would try out one of the more established forums, have done some stuff on youtube and other places but thought i would give this a try.. potted history: raised jw by mother, in it for 30 years or so, baptised at age 18, regular pioneer at 20, ms a couple years later, mts at 26 and got assignment to a new cong, elder at around 29, came off pioneering around 31, came off as elder around 32, started to slowly wind down, completely stopped attending about 3 years ago, disassociated dec 2010. pause for breath.. the last 5 years or so have been a painfully gradual process of deconstructing myself and then piecing together fragments of my shattered life that are still valid outside the organisation.
the question 'who am i?
' has been a continual investigation; every day for the first couple of years i would realise another subject or issue that i didn't have my own opinions about.
Yeah welcome Millions great to hear your story, thank you for taking the time to share it. I too am disassociated, in 2007 after 21 years a sister bringing up 4 kids in the Org. Like you I went through all the emotions you so well described. Having come out the other side my life has never been sweeter or happier. I have TRUE friends, a wonderful family life and an ongoing education. At the age of 46 life has finally come good - without them!
Don't you DARE to get up!!
by stillin9 ininteresting points from this week's wt study (dec 15 2010 study edition):.
par 12: "do i encourage my children not to view the song between the theocratic ministry school and the service meeting or the one between the public talk and the watchtower study as a sort of intermission,an opportunity for them to leave their seats unnecessarily, perhaps just to stretch their legs?".
why do they have to make such a big deal out of everything?
Does anyone remember the famous illustration of a JW dad who took his kids to the cinema, only to make them go to the toilet every 10 minutes even if they missed the movie and didn't need to pee?
The point being that if kids need the toilet every 10 minutes at the meeting, then they should need the tiolet every 10 minutes at the cinema too.
Compare a 2 hour bible meeting with a good movie and which one would you be more interested in? Idiots.
Welcome back Outlaw!
by life is to short inwe missed you.
glad you are back things were not the same without you.. lits.
Get yur ass back heer naw boy - Im'a gonna give yur a whoppin'
Russell's reasoning for his business? Last article in 12/15/2010 WT Study
by InterestedOne inon page 23, par 14 of the 12/15/2010 wt study, it says of russell:.
so he had decided to devote himself to his business interests, reasoning that if he made some money, he would at least be able to address the physical needs of people even if he could not help them spiritually.. did he really "reason" that if he made some money, he could address people's physical needs?
was he planning some sort of charity?
I've never heard this reasoning before? Can't remember Russell ever starting any charities.
Kingdom Interlinear = apostate literature?
by brotherunsure inhas anybody else come across jdubs that have never heard of the kingdom interlinear translation?
i noticed this artcle http://www.soundwitness.org/jw/kit_part1.htm and i've found when i asked witnesses about it some never heard of it and other's had heard of it but didn't have one and didn't know if they were still in print and one got all weird and suspicious saying "well what do you want it for?".
when i called the watchtower and asked if it was still in print the guy had to put me on hold and look it up somewhere, he didn't know off the top of his head.
Thank you Atlantis! I've been wanting a copy of the KIT for ages but couldn't afford a hard copy. You're a treasure!
Do not let work get in the way of pioneering
by life is to short inthe april 15th wt is strange and it just throws things in here and there that are kind of out of sort.
i think it sticks in your mind more like hey i probably should pioneer when they throw things in that are kind of in left feild.. like this example on pages 16 and 17 it is talking about making decisions and in paragraph 15 it says "for example a congregation publisher might decide to pioneer.
will he succeed?
Hi Wasblind!
Yep, its no joke, I did like field service and I was good at it too. I enjoyed debating with people and trying to get them to open up, still do. The fact that the subject matter I was debating was a complete lie was lost on me at the time. Once I found out I was talking bol***ks field service kinda lost its appeal after that!
In my case, ignorance was bliss.