The Apocrypha.
It started me thinking. After that it was a landslide.
i'm sure all of us were loyal at one time to the watchtower, believing in all of it.
(some of us probaly hated it from day one as well but, ).
what were some of the first things that happened or were said, that made you to start doubting it and beginning the loss of your loyalty to the organization ??????.
The Apocrypha.
It started me thinking. After that it was a landslide.
one thing jw's believe is that they have the truth.
they believe jehovah god guides them in every possible way.
they state that all other religions are condemned by god.
Something that is truth cannot change. If it does, then it was not true.
The JW's cannot claim to have Truth, if subsets of truths within the Truth change. (New light, and all that.)
The JW's can properly claim to be working towards truth, and then that assertion can rightly be debated from either side, pro or con.
But what JW's have "known as truth" in the '30's differed from what the have "known as truth" in the '50's which was different again from what they have "known as truth" in the "80's and some of that is different from what they "know as truth" today.
Truth, if the word is to have any meaning at all, simply is not maleable.
Of course, the way JW's use the word, it simply a learned verbal shorthand for, "We have true faith, we have true belief." And THAT is often not something which is possible to open up and understand through debate, facts, or even, oddly enough, truth.
i bet the people in the twin towers never thought they would be the victims of a terrorist attack.
sometimes the stuff that happens overseas seem so far away.
i look around my community and find it hard to believe that anything is going to happen here.. i live in southern califonia, near san diego, and who knows?
I figure my chances of being taken out by a nut job from Oklahoma or Oregon are exactly the same as the chances I'll be taken out by a nut job from the Middle East.
Fundamentalist nut jobs tend to be equal opportunity employers.
i came in when i was 17-18. studied with an elder with the intent of proving him wrong to get back at my psycho 'dub mom.
at the time it made sense.
thus started over two decades of service.
I always asked the question "what would Jesus do?" I have tried to live that way.
I feel I know who Jesus is and what he would have me do in most situations.
things have calmed down again with my mother to the point where i found myself once again in her kitchen last night.
drinking too many cups of coffee as i always do at her house, i imagine if i were a smoker i'd have been lighting one cigarette after another instead.
it had been a pleasant enough evening, i sat there with my crocheting in my lap, something i always take with me to my mother's house so that if i get nervous or stressed out, my hands, and my mind, have something to do and somewhere to go.
Go in peace, troubled soul.
You were greatly loved.
i've known for years that if i was visited at my home by jehovah's witnesses, i would have become a do not call.
i would have firmly but politely told the witnesses to never come back to my door and bother me again.
since i was raised "in the truth", i learned the religion from infancy.
I was raised in it too, and I bolted the instant I could force the gate open just one crack.
You sound to me like you want to bolt, but you have other pressures and considerations that make this
Minimus, you can wait for the clouds to clear, you can wait for the clouds to part, you can wait for the heavens to open up and create a path for you to get out.
There is no "moment", no situation that presents itself as your chance to get out.
You either see that there is no other way for you but out, or you stay in.
There are consequences, yes. So prepare yourself for them. Gird your loins, as they say, and make a choice about how you will live your life. Others will maintain control of your life through threat and coersion or you will grab authority away from them.
You can do this. Or perhaps you can't.
It is your choice. It has always been your choice.
the emphasis of the organization's talks and "encouragement" is to continue believing everything that the "slave" has said because it comes from the "slave" and therefore comes through god.
if you have a doubt, know that it comes from satan.
if you don't understand the watchtower's interpetation of bible prophecy, wait on jehovah and just continue doing what we tell you to do.
Yep. Uh-huh.
go from the milky way to a quark by powers of 10. check out this animation..
Thanks Irongland,
That's a keeper.
Here's hoping you're able to modify that profile (pic) ASAP!
my understanding is that this board can serve as a place to come so that jw's and ex-jw's can get together to discuss mostly, jw issues as well as matters such as our likes and dislikes of a non-religious nature.
since there are so many posters here, could you please express what you think this place is for?
For me, the single most important thing this board can do and has done is put me in touch with the formation of groups of people who are actually formulating a plan to do something about some of the most gross abuses of power within the JW's, ie: Child molestation, Blood Policy, rallying around a plaintiff in a difficult court case, mass mailing campaigns, etc. Groups of people with better ideas than I have. I pitch in with what I can do. I've met some good people.
Then there are the debates between some heavy hitters from both the JW and exJW camps. People with almost unbelievable inside sources discuss issues here, and I'm indebted to have heard their various well-thought and articulated insights, mostly on-line, but a few later in person.
These topics are a bit thin on the ground here lately, but you'll not hear me complain. There is also room here for "What kind of car do you drive?" or "This isn't a spiritual paradise." It just takes more than that to jump-start my thoughts. Call it a reverse Pavlovian response. Repetition for ennui.
tongue splitting latest piercing rage
wednesday, may 14, 2003 posted: 1:43 am edt (0543 gmt).
My Prediction: Next fad: Amputations.
ie: Little toe or finger amputated, preserved and stuck into hole made in some other body part. Alternatively, chunk of left ear cut off, hanging from piercing in right ear.
Secondary Prediction: No one will like the look of their sagging, blurry tats or stretch-marked piercings and mods when they are 50, the Boomers are all dead, the Xer's haven't got anything to be angry at anymore and have good stable salaries.
Tertiary Prediction: The market for tattoo scrubbing and mod reversal will boom.