Sorry you're right.. I just couldn't resist the urge to reply :)
It was a sort of mock misquote :)
Deus Mauzzim (of the still-using-watchtower-methods-class)
there are hundreds or thousands of websites on jehovah's witnesses with all sorts of slants, but i have never come across any specifically for atheist jehovah's witnesses.
has anyone ever seen a site for atheist witnesses?
i think it would be a great idea, and we could call it atheists for jehovah, as a counterpart to the atheists for jesus.
Sorry you're right.. I just couldn't resist the urge to reply :)
It was a sort of mock misquote :)
Deus Mauzzim (of the still-using-watchtower-methods-class)
there are hundreds or thousands of websites on jehovah's witnesses with all sorts of slants, but i have never come across any specifically for atheist jehovah's witnesses.
has anyone ever seen a site for atheist witnesses?
i think it would be a great idea, and we could call it atheists for jehovah, as a counterpart to the atheists for jesus.
It seems this thread is being hijacked by the Gnostic Atheists Against Jehovah :)
Poll, anyone?
Deus Mauzzim
as i was reading alanf's thread on "intelligent design" (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/12/136111/2.ashx) i was stopped at the following comment of his:.
having only got through chapter 3 of behe's book, i wasn't aware that he actually claims that god created the exquisitely designed malaria bug.
for any normal theology, this is completely self-defeating.
You are getting into serious heresy here...
What I mean is that, in my view, the nature of evil is one of the most essential theological issues that channel the rise of monotheism as we know it today.
During the first centuries A.D. the development of Christianity virtually defines itself in opposition to various dualist heresies (notably gnostics), and later orthodoxy tried to eradicate every single group that had these dualist tendencies (manichaeans, the gnostic groups, later cathars etc.). The sheer hatred directed against these groups is truly frightening.
Augustine defines evil as a privation of goodness - evil is defined away, so to speak. Aquinas comes up with 'functional evil': evil that, in God's grand scheme, ultimately will bring about good.
On a more global scale, the historical development of the theology of evil is also interesting:
Zoroastrianism - Cosmical Dualism (Ahuramazda is wholly good and Ahriman is wholly bad).
But in some branches, like Zurvanism, Ahuramazda and Ahriman are twins, both sons of Time, two sides of one coin. This tends to Divine Dualism (dualism inside the divinity)
Early Judaism - more like an ancient henotheistic faith, I would say. Yahweh as warrior stormrider God, historically taking the place of Ugaritic 'El. Neither 'El nor Yahweh are wholly good (as demonstrated in the Baal Cycle and many parts of the OT). But, like the Greek Gods, the question about moral goodness is not really important. Gods are just super-men in the sky. They behave like us, go to war, have sex (also see the Baal Cycle) etc.
Persian Judaism - Divine Dualism, showing influences of Zoroastrianism (for example: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~slocks/buckner/evil.html)
Late Judaism and Christianity - God is wholly good. Man, as created in God's Image, is also good. Sinning is missing the mark, evil is a missing of goodness.
Islam - God is wholly good.
(And whenever they commit an indecency they say, 'We found our fathers practising it, and God has commanded us to do it.' Say: 'God does not command indecency; what, do you say concerning God such things as you know not?' Sura. 7:28)
Deus Mauzzim
(of the Dualist Class)
there are hundreds or thousands of websites on jehovah's witnesses with all sorts of slants, but i have never come across any specifically for atheist jehovah's witnesses.
has anyone ever seen a site for atheist witnesses?
i think it would be a great idea, and we could call it atheists for jehovah, as a counterpart to the atheists for jesus.
I also like the Jehovah of Moses and David! Just look!
Moses (Deut. 3:26 vv.)
25 Let me pass over, please, and see the good land that is across the Jordan, this good mountainous region and Leb´a·non.’ 26 And Jehovah continued to be furious against me on YOUR account and did not listen to me; but Jehovah said to me, ‘That is enough of you! Never speak to me further on this matter. 27 Go up to the top of Pis´gah and raise your eyes to the west and north and south and east and see with your eyes, for you will not pass over this Jordan.
David (2 Sam. 12:13 vv.)
13 David now said to Nathan: “I have sinned against Jehovah.” At this Nathan said to David: “Jehovah, in turn, does let your sin pass by. You will not die. 14 Notwithstanding this, because you have unquestionably treated Jehovah with disrespect by this thing, also the son himself, just born to you, will positively die.”
Why, this Jehovah could be your best friend every day...as long as you've got children (Job is also one of my favorites!) :)
Forgive me the irony ^^
Deus Mauzzim
there are hundreds or thousands of websites on jehovah's witnesses with all sorts of slants, but i have never come across any specifically for atheist jehovah's witnesses.
has anyone ever seen a site for atheist witnesses?
i think it would be a great idea, and we could call it atheists for jehovah, as a counterpart to the atheists for jesus.
Yes, that is my real age.
Yes, I can occasionally be very frustrating to my JW family (that's about the only reason they're glad I'm often at the university :)
Yes, I should post some more poetry.
You win :)
Deus Mauzzim
(of the Ophite-aka-Snake-Worshippers class)
there are hundreds or thousands of websites on jehovah's witnesses with all sorts of slants, but i have never come across any specifically for atheist jehovah's witnesses.
has anyone ever seen a site for atheist witnesses?
i think it would be a great idea, and we could call it atheists for jehovah, as a counterpart to the atheists for jesus.
Great topic Slim,
As for me, I'm a 'Gnostic Atheist against Jehovah'
I'm an atheist because I'm pretty sure Jehovah, or any other god, doesn't exist (not even on Alcyone).
I am a gnostic because all the same I like to batter Jehovah/Yaldabaoth for the absurd mess he has made of this world (even while not existing!).
There is however the Plethora, the Fullness. There dwells the Father of Lights, and thereto our divine spark must return.
Of course, this is not to be taken literally. The Kingdom lies within you (Gospel of Thomas).
Are you confused now? :)
(of the Gnostic Atheists against Jehovah class)
the situation: a friend of mine was df'ed recently.
i live with my mom, who is still active.. my mom told me that this friend couldn't come around anymore now.. i said that i had already figured that out, because she would be dfed if she kept contact with him, so she could do nothing else but follow the rules of the borg.. she responded that this was not so, that this was her personal choice ('out of love') :s. just to be sure.. we all know this is crap, right?
examples, quotes, please!.
The Situation: A friend of mine was DF'ed recently. I live with my mom, who is still active.
My mom told me that this friend couldn't come around anymore now.. I said that I had already figured that out, because she would be DFed if she kept contact with him, so she could do nothing else but follow the rules of the borg.
She responded that this was not so, that this was her personal choice ('out of love') :S
Just to be sure.. we all know this is crap, right? Examples, quotes, please!
Deus Mauzzim
please check this out!
i find it very interesting.
your thoughts please.. http://www.forbetterlife.org/index.asp.
From Wikipedia:
The Foundation is funded by billionaire Philip Anschutz, a noted contributor to conservative and Christian causes. Its president is Gary Dixon.
Every act of language is shot through with ideology. Remind yourself of the ideology, and master the language.
- Deus Mauzzim
is he proud.
who questions and learns.
and does not cower.
Thanks for the input Nvr! Couldn't write without it!
I study literary theory and started writing again some weeks ago... This board is great to keep the spark alive.
We really do need a poetry section here.. I'm thinking of writing a poem to remind Simon of that :)
Something in the form of a qasida to a sultan would be nice :)
Deus Mauzzim
is he proud.
who questions and learns.
and does not cower.
Is he proud
who questions and learns
and does not cower
when sunlight burns
his ignorant shroud?
The flower that turns
towards the sun -
why is it this flower
that others shun?
- Deus Mauzzim