Please remain as a witness for Jehovah and keep on laughing! There are so few people in the congs laughing... We need you so badly !!
besides, recall: psalm 2:4
the more i studied, the more i got sucked into being a witness, the more depressed i've become.
i don't want to do anything anymore, i mean what is the sense: the end of days is upon us!
the more i became involved with witnesses, the more i felt that i was loosing a part of myself.
Please remain as a witness for Jehovah and keep on laughing! There are so few people in the congs laughing... We need you so badly !!
besides, recall: psalm 2:4
sorry, to ask a basic question.
(and i have been accused of requiring spiritual milk in an email),.
but i just want to get this straight:.
YouKnow, regarding "scully" :
..Those who are teachers actually receive a heavier judgment. And of course, Christ said that those who stumble his little ones it would be better for them if a millstone were hung around their necks and they plunged into the open sea.
That's quite right, and for this reason, let 'm begin to act. I hope, there AS SOON AS possible shall start an investigation regarding this matter. The whole brotherhood of JW's (worldwide) should become informed about the proceed of this investigation; continually, weekly. Transparently, fully. No secretivenesses, please. They can use the Internet for continued investigations. There are thousands of similar cases to be investigated. That process must take place to rehabilitate YHVH/JHWH fully in the eyes of the whole mankind.
Note: that is no cynicism.
sorry, to ask a basic question.
(and i have been accused of requiring spiritual milk in an email),.
but i just want to get this straight:.
607BCisAbigLIE wrote:
...Lord, Christ and Saviour. He DOESN'T need ANY organization on earth to operate under God's will; nowhere in the Bible you'll see that an earthly organization was ever needed by God to accomplish
His will...
Nonsense. How could Jesus' instruction in Mat.27:19 become fulfilled without having an earthly organization?
Another matter is whether such an org is necessary for all times. In future, when the commendments have been fulfilled - and when we live in a new and righteous world system with kind and perfect people - there'd be certainly no need for organization then ...
YouKnow writes:
..when once the Unvieling occurs, it will be after Jehovah's angels purge the organization of lawless and faithless individuals..
I am JW since 1984, and I agree with most of your conclusions. But say: Should that happen in a manner as told by "scully" in
If JW's do not treat their brothers and sisters in the way YHVH/JHWH had revealed in the Holy Bible, he doesn't make ANY difference between "wordly" and "spiritual" people. Look at what had happened with Israel when they ignored HIS commendments... And besides, read: Romans 2:1,2
i was baptized on march 17, 1974. on that day, i answered "yes" to both of the following questions.... 1 have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before jehovah god as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation precedes from him, the father, through his son jesus christ?.
2 on the basis of this faith in god and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to god to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through jesus christ and through the bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
-- may 1, 1973 watchtower, pg 280.
That's no problem at all.
... >as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization..<
If there would come proof that the org is not "God's-spirit-directed", this point is out of validity.
why jehovah's witnesses are the "happiest people on earth".
thus spake homer simpson:.
"those germans!!
99,9% of the world's population would die in armageddon?
I repeat: NONSENSE
Meanwhile, even the most extreme fundamentalists in the org do not believe this. If I'd df'd caused through denying that "old light", o.k. then lets go...
I already wrote regarding an other topic in this forum, that God is rather going to break dangerous escalations, see e.g. collapse of socialistic systems in 1989 (UDSSR, DDR etc.) to enable the possibility most people can survive... The future will prove my opinion, sure!
why jehovah's witnesses are the "happiest people on earth".
thus spake homer simpson:.
"those germans!!
say, didn't you ever meet brothers or sisters in your congregation, who treated you with love and "positive vibrations" ? Sure, you became extremely hurted and depressed. Toooo much.
I can't imagine it you never met good JW's. As you know, me and my wife are JW's since 16 years. We always have tried to treat all people well and with love and kindness. Even (and of course) those too, who got "shunned" for unknown reasons. I'd mostly taken this easy...
Note: What is right and in accordance with biblical requirements, will remain to stay. What is of evil, will be destroyed and will vanish. Everywhere.
Absolutely sure!
here is and interesting question which touches on some points raised in other posts.. can things really move?.
if you haven't thought about it before it may seem like a stupid question, but i'll try to explain.. one of the principles of quantum physics is that things do not get infinatly smaller.there is a granuality to objects so at some point things don't get any smaller.. the same holds with energy if you take energy out of a system you can not go on forever .eventually you hit absolute zero were every thing is still.. in the other direction , the speed of light is an absolute limit.. so what happens if you make smaller and smaller movements eventually you would stop.but what is the next smallest movement between being stopped and moving?.
if we put some figures on it it may make it easier.. if to be stoped is 0 and the next possible amonut of movment is 1 you could not move say 1/2 as that is smaller than 1 and if you could keep dividing forever like this you would never reach absolute standstill.. so like the particals in the universe movment has to be granular as well.made up of definate jumps though very tiny.. if this is the case then there is a problem how does one object , if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?.
So how can a quantum object measure a quantum object if none exist untill measured?
1) There is no object which can measure somewhat, if it has got no structures to sense TIME, velocity, space...etc.). "Quantum object" isn't. Quantum theory is somewhat, which is used to EXPLAIN matters which nobody could understand without changing the WHOLE WORLD of PHYSICS.
2) There is an inherent teleologic order principle in the universe to set up "sensorium" (ability to sense t, v...) and to iterate and optimize it. This principle overrules the 2nd thermodynamics axiom.
No more today. Have comprehension please.
here is and interesting question which touches on some points raised in other posts.. can things really move?.
if you haven't thought about it before it may seem like a stupid question, but i'll try to explain.. one of the principles of quantum physics is that things do not get infinatly smaller.there is a granuality to objects so at some point things don't get any smaller.. the same holds with energy if you take energy out of a system you can not go on forever .eventually you hit absolute zero were every thing is still.. in the other direction , the speed of light is an absolute limit.. so what happens if you make smaller and smaller movements eventually you would stop.but what is the next smallest movement between being stopped and moving?.
if we put some figures on it it may make it easier.. if to be stoped is 0 and the next possible amonut of movment is 1 you could not move say 1/2 as that is smaller than 1 and if you could keep dividing forever like this you would never reach absolute standstill.. so like the particals in the universe movment has to be granular as well.made up of definate jumps though very tiny.. if this is the case then there is a problem how does one object , if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?.
...if everyone in the world shut their eyes, everything would cease to exist.
No, this thinking is wrong. (It would be ok. if you are dying - but not if sleeping, or closing your eyes..)
Note: there is always a type of "sensorium" which is existing subordinated to yours:
cells, molecular structures, and finally atomar and subatomar structures. Therefore, the things continue to exist in reality - until there would be a situation where ABSOLUTELY NO sensorium does exist to observe, sense or measure any TIME and/btw any ambient physical change of state. In macro-structures, e.g. this happens in the middle of a "black hole". Ask physicists; they will assert there is NO TIME at all. Or BEFORE the BIG BANG - there was the same situation. There was NO TIME existing at all. Ask Mr. S. Hawkings; he will explain it better.
here is and interesting question which touches on some points raised in other posts.. can things really move?.
if you haven't thought about it before it may seem like a stupid question, but i'll try to explain.. one of the principles of quantum physics is that things do not get infinatly smaller.there is a granuality to objects so at some point things don't get any smaller.. the same holds with energy if you take energy out of a system you can not go on forever .eventually you hit absolute zero were every thing is still.. in the other direction , the speed of light is an absolute limit.. so what happens if you make smaller and smaller movements eventually you would stop.but what is the next smallest movement between being stopped and moving?.
if we put some figures on it it may make it easier.. if to be stoped is 0 and the next possible amonut of movment is 1 you could not move say 1/2 as that is smaller than 1 and if you could keep dividing forever like this you would never reach absolute standstill.. so like the particals in the universe movment has to be granular as well.made up of definate jumps though very tiny.. if this is the case then there is a problem how does one object , if we imagine the smallest to be a quark jump from one place to another is it technicaly the same object or a new one ?.
Each observed particle comes to "reality". Because, if sensorium to "observe", then TIME, (if TIME, then of course velocity too..), therefore is distance and "space" - and as a final result: OBSERVED REALITY.
Sorry. End of more explanations for today...
a quite interesting article on the possibility of reforming ones religion was printed in the february 1.
1995 issue of the watchtower, which asked the following question: .
"your religiona ship that should never be abandoned?.
hi barry,
excellent, what you've said!
The reform of religions (including WTS) will come true - no matter where they think this change came from God's will or came from reformers will. For most of all religions is "reform" the same thing as "end".
They all know about YHVH/JHWH nothing at all, although they allege to be his servants. The "normative power of facts" is what is changing the world. It's the same power Jehovah had claimed for himself....