I would like to say how much I appreciate all your thoughts about this situation. I am thinking about how to proceed, and you have given me a lot of good ideas!
Thank you so much!!!
Posts by Erin
The brothers hacked my email!
by Erin injust learned that a group of jws hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!.
they printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine".
they were certainly very, very disappointed to not find anything they could "use".. the only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.. the person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.. he would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when i accessed email from my computer.
The brothers hacked my email!
by Erin injust learned that a group of jws hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!.
they printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine".
they were certainly very, very disappointed to not find anything they could "use".. the only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.. the person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.. he would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when i accessed email from my computer.
I reported the activity to my email provider yesterday. They are unable to confirm the improper use, as their records merely show dates and times the internet is accessed. The technical support person said there are no records identifying which computer accesses the internet through my account. Based on that, I don't think I would have much to go on for any lawsuit. Or?
The brothers hacked my email!
by Erin injust learned that a group of jws hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!.
they printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine".
they were certainly very, very disappointed to not find anything they could "use".. the only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.. the person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.. he would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when i accessed email from my computer.
The brothers hacked my email!
by Erin injust learned that a group of jws hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!.
they printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine".
they were certainly very, very disappointed to not find anything they could "use".. the only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.. the person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.. he would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when i accessed email from my computer.
Just learned that a group of JWs hacked my email over a considerable period of time, hoping to intercept "incriminating" information in an attempt to disfellowship me!
They printed up the emails and passed them out to other elders to "examine". They were certainly very, VERY disappointed to not find anything they could "use".
The only outgoing emails from me they obtained were those attached to incoming mail as a result of some friends hitting "respond" when they wrote back to me.
The person who got into my email account is a ministerial servant who had previously worked on my business web site and therefore had my password.
He would download my email onto his computer, miles away, and then put everything back as "unread" so nothing would be "missing", when I accessed email from my computer.
The group of brothers included ministerial servants, elders and a PO.I advise any of you who have had brothers work on your computers any time in the past to immediately change your password!
This is a new "low", as far as I am concerned. -
actor becoming a witness
by speffot indoes anyone know or heard if its true that alec baldwin has become a witness?
IT'S [going to be] A GIRL!
by dedalus inthe ultrasound results are in: foxy and i are going to be having a baby girl, sometime around the end of january!
i'm just realizing, though, that i know nothing about girls, having grown up with three brothers.
Comparison of Mormonism and JWism
by alex ini'm thinking that the mind-control games are very very very very much the same between mormonism and jwism.
i've lurked here for a while and thought i'd introduce myself.
my name is alex and i'm an unbelieving mormon who lives in utah.
Alex--you said to ask, so I am asking.
What is the big secret about what goes on at a wedding in the Morman Temple? Something about re-enacting "original sin"?
What about babies which are conceived as a result of this? Are they considered especially holy babies because the father is a priest of high ranking?
Please forgive my ignorance, but there are lots of rumors circulating about Temple weddings!
Thanks in advance for your input! -
Elders will ask two questions---any advice?
by Erin ini have been missing in action for 6.5 years.
i moved 55 miles away.
a couple of weekends ago, two elders (in suits) from my old cong.
Thank you, everyone, for your input. Good ideas.
Pork Chop, they are not coming by for a tea party, that much I know.
I'm sure it's an entrapment thing.
My ex husband got remarried last year to a nice little JW girl. They never bothered to ask me whether he was scripturally free! I believe the C.O. was just there and slapped their hands.
Any info I have gotten has been from my daughter, who still lives in that area.
I am just not going to be home..... -
POLL - Elders vs Molesters
by Amazing ini wish to conduct a legitimate poll, or at least as legitimate as it can get on this forum.
unless you are or were a jw, please do not respond or make comments.
please simply give an answer, without extended comments.
Elders will ask two questions---any advice?
by Erin ini have been missing in action for 6.5 years.
i moved 55 miles away.
a couple of weekends ago, two elders (in suits) from my old cong.
I have been missing in action for 6.5 years. I moved 55 miles away. A couple of weekends ago, two elders (in suits) from my old cong. came to my house and knocked on the door and called into my windows for at least 15 minutes. It was early, and I was still in my jammies, so there was no way I would have opened my door for anybody.
I have since heard they are coming back, because they "have to ask me two questions". Does anyone have any idea what these are?
I will do my best to avoid them at all costs, as I do not recognize their authority over me any more and do not wish to speak with them. However, they do know where I work, and as it is a public place, I would not be surprised if they were to show up there.I would appreciate any input you could give me!
Thanks in advance.