Why won't I be calling? I have other things to do that are more important to me, such as getting my paycheck, spending quality time w/ my friends, watching South Park, getting another piercing, smoking a smooth cigar, eating a slim jim, etc. It's called living. That's the promise I made to myself when I decided I no longer wanted anything to do w/ the WTS. They aren't getting any more of my life than I already permitted them take.
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Feb. 1 mass calling campaign. Will you call?
by Shawn10538 ini'm not sure if it was mentiopned.
but i think that we are talking about not just one call from each person, but we are talking about spending a good length of time calling repeatedly.
othrwise it just won't have much of an impact.
ten pounds in ten weeks, weeks five and six
by Hortensia inhere is the new thread for weeks five and six.
to repeat, i lost three pounds last week so my total so far from jan 1 is 5 pounds - making my goal of a pound a week.
resolutions fading?
I posted this on your other thread, but since this is really the correct thread for the week, I'll put it here, too.
Down 1 lb from last week...14 total from 12-17-07
My co-workers are noticing and I could tell a big difference in the outfit I wore today. I didn't wear the little sweater I normally do. I took it off and showed off my smaller waist.
What are your Guilty Pleasures of a geeky/nerdy variety?
by Crumpet ini don't mean the ones we know about already - things people wouldn't think you did or enjoyed to look at you.. i love watching ray mears extreme survival and learning about how to survive and find food and shelter in extreme climates even though there is a strong possibility that i shall never try and escape naked from a japanese prisoner of war camp, or crash without a flagon of water into the sahara, or come stuck in my ship in a freezing ice plateau in deepest antartica.
what's your guilty geeky pleasure?.
It's not really geeky or nerdy, just something that the people who watch it don't like to admit. But, I will be the adult and stand up and say it, I love the show, "The Girl's Next Door."
ten pounds in ten weeks, weeks three and four
by Hortensia inhere's the new thread - we can update this thread for a couple of weeks, then i'll start another one.
it's so nice to hear what other folks are doing, and the folks who aren't dieting or exercising as a part of this group, your input is very helpful.
i appreciate kensei and mincan for instance for their advice.
I was down another 2 Saturday morning, but I laid around my place all weekend and ordered a pizza last night.
Still, I am down another lb (14 total) and people at work are noticing.
Anybody else have birds hit their windows often?
by dinah inthe most beautiful cardinal just hit the window in our den.
he's breathing, i can't tell if anything is broken.
i'd check a little closer but i don't want to get pecked or something.
One time when I was little we had come home from the Sunday meeting and my sister and I were changing in our room. Being 2 years apart and sharing a room, we fought, oh about 90% of the time. I don't remember the exact moment that this happened, I just remember the aftermath. Apparently, my sister and I were fighting, again, and all the sudden my dad hears a scream like none he ever heard before coming from our room. He charged in the room and my sister and I were scared and crying because a grouse had flown into our bedroom window, broke through it, and was flopping around on our bedroom floor.
What makes this story even more bizarre? Guess what we had for dinner that night.
Dating a JW and how to get her off the cult or becoming a member myself
by svennibenni ini'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
OTWO, I get what you are saying, but either way, she and he will be miserable. She may avoid being DF'd right now, but what is going to happen in 5 years when they are miserable and some prick MS at the hall preys on this poor miserable girl who is married to an unbeliever who "just doesn't get it" and they start having an affair? Worse case senerio, yes, but it happens everyday and everyone here knows of a situation in their hall, or a neighboring one, where this has happened.
Svenni, she is sending you mixed signals and treating you very unfairly. I know it hurts, believe me. I have been dealing w/ mixed signals from guys since I was 15 years old. No good can come from this; I can guarantee it. She needs to shit or get off the toilet. She either wants you or she doesn't. She may be young, and that could be the problem, but you both need to be adults here. Stop wasting your time w/ someone who obviously has no clue what she wants. She doesn't even know if she wants to be a JW (going in service, then having some sort of sex w/ you afterward). Cut your losses and move on. There is going to be another girl right around the corner. That, I can also guarantee.
Dating a JW and how to get her off the cult or becoming a member myself
by svennibenni ini'm sorry if i'm totally wrong here but i have a serious problem.. i met a woman in the company i work in via intranet.
it is a very big company with offices all over the world.
she moved to the united kingdom just a few month before we met.
Yeah, go ahead and get her to marry you. That way she can spend the rest of her life being constantly berated and looked down upon by members of the congregation for marrying an unbeliever. How fun it will be when she comes home crying 3 days a week and resents you for not loving and obeying her God. And when you have kids, watch how they get questioned from the other kids in the hall who ask where their daddy is. Yeah...sounds like a wonderful, happy life to me. Remind me to never ask for relationship advice on this forum.
Big Announcement on next Service meeting
by The Lone Ranger inthere seems to be a very important announcement this coming weeking on the next service meeting, forme it will be on wednesday 30th jan.. during the last 2 meetings they have asked that every batized jw be at that meeting and even to tell others who might not have heard the annoucement.. anyone here have any ideas i wouldn't be surprised if they are changing meeting times and arrangments...less meeting at is !.
Don't they always make that announcement when it is time to renew the blood cards...er...medical directives?
What type of person are you attracted to now?
by Layla33 ini was just thinking about this the other day, about how my ideas of a romantic partner have changed since being a jw.. growing up, i thought i would marry a very upstanding jw, we would pioneer together, do missionary work, have children, see the world.
(never had any thoughts about bethel, though.
) so what it boiled down to was a stepford husband, up tight, not the least bit sexual, closed minded bore.. so now that i have grown up, seen the world, been married (and actually picked a good man the first time, although it didn't work out), i just contrast that with what i am attracted to now.. i like them open minded, earthy, i love artistic types because i am a published writer, hair doesn't matter to me (long/short, bald, etc), challenges convention, very sexual, still like a traveling man.. i am just curious if you anyone else can compare and contrast how their ideas have changed since breaking out the group-think of the jw organization..