For a long time I did, being raised as a witness and all, but it really doesn't cross my mind, anymore. If anything, being raised a JW and currently being an XJW, I cherish so many things that others take for granted like sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday mornings....ah...heaven on earth!
JoinedPosts by sweetface2233
Do you consider your time as a JW wasted time??
by karter inmany of us have devoted a lot of time and energy to the jw's at the expense of other things like education , planing for retirement , family time just to name a few.. i don't consider it all wasted time there was a lot of good i learnt however i'm doing things now as a jw i never would have.. i don't have the same time pressure and never fell guilty about taking a lot of time out for myself as one elder said to me"if we don't keep you brothers real busy in the work of the kingdom you get swallowed up by the world" .
How do I go out with new ex-dub friends with my wife still in? Tell or lie
by oompa inwith my 22 year old df'd son in a very nearby city, and having met a few here that i want to do stuff with, how do i go about this?
thanks to my son, who has some older df'd friends, i was able to spend a couple of weeks at the beach together with them the last two summers.
it was me and five evil df'd ones on my boat, so i called a dub friend who was friends with the beach gang, and told him i was on the ussdf!
Although, it could be worded a little differently, what is wrong w/ addressing that she has her meetings and JW friends (which you do not approve of) and you can have your friends (which she wouldn't approve of)? Its not like you are having an affair w/ them. Anyway, I thought you said you guys were getting a separation. Did you work things out or are you still headed in that direction? Either way, haven't you had enough of people telling you who you can and can't be friends w/?
Arguing with witnesses on myspace.
by mkr32208 inthere is a wealth of witnesses on myspace that are just itching for a fight!
lots of them.
very ripe field!
BigD, it is sad that some, and I would say it is a large number, do believe, just to believe.
Back in July of 2007 my sister was telling me how close the end is and asked if I remembered the saying, "Millions now living will never die." She was saying how there are only so many people living in 1914 that could see the obvious changes in world conditions. She didn't even realize that she was defending a belief that, at the time, was NO LONGER a belief. My heart sunk at that moment and I knew that she was just "believing to believe".
Arguing with witnesses on myspace.
by mkr32208 inthere is a wealth of witnesses on myspace that are just itching for a fight!
lots of them.
very ripe field!
LOL...I didn't know what 607 BCE was till I joined JWD.
Dude, add me to your myspace
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
JC, I can only give you advice w/ the information that you have provided. I am not a therapist or a psychologist, but I AM the survivor of emotional abuse and remember exactly what that relationship was like. I lived for years after I left my husband being broken up, wallowing in my feelings of low self-esteem, and thinking that I could never make anyone happy. Then I realized, why is it my job to make anyone else happy? I need to worry about myself, my happiness, and become complete w/ myself before I can be good for anyone else. Once I healed and was at peace w/ many of my childhood and JW issues, I became a completely different person.
Your information tells me, and others here, that this is a seriously one-sided relationship. If this is misinformation, then I would suggest talking to HIM and seeing how the two of you can make things better. Only the two of you know all of the details and the goods and the bads; all we are being told are the bads. Be a strong woman, DIRECTLY address your feelings w/ him, and if he doesn't want to move forward right here and now, then, yes, I would say to let it go and move on.
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
If he is reading this thread, then maybe he can get an idea of how he is making you feel and this could be a wake-up call for him. If not, then this is a sad day on JWD and you may want to check out this website
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
Thank you for that post, jgnat, and please excuse my humor, but a lot of it made me laugh, only becasue I HAVE BEEN THERE.
JC, you have at least 2 women here who have admitted to being abused for years. Please, at least take a break from this BOY, he is no man, clear your head, and try to understand why you feel he is your "project" to fix. Do you have a psych degree and can analyze his actions and give him sessions and exercises to help him get over his issues? Even if you do, he's not asking for help. Have you ever tried to feed a chicken shit sandwich to someone who refuses to eat it? The end result is not a good one.
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
I also want to comment on something that AlmostAtheist mentioned. There is one thing that really bothers me when newbies questioning XJWs join the forum is when people attack the poster w/, "RUN...IT'S A CULT!!!" Although it is GREAT advice, it's the first thing that the controlling members of JWs warn against and can, more than likely, push them back in. However, when someone is only talking about negative things, especially when it comes to a relationship, that means that the negative things are always at the forefront of their mind. Life is too short to put up w/ constant negative feelings. I honestly didn't hear any positive things about this guy. That says a lot in itself.
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
OK, you can't talk to him about how you feel, but you can talk to him about joining an anonymous discussion forum to ask some advice about his situation? Now he is threatening to break up because of your concern? This guy just keeps getting better! Does he have a brother or maybe a cousin who is single? I am single right now and would love to be emotionally abused day in and day out because I can never do anything right. I really want to take a shell of a man and have him blame me for all of his emptiness.
JC, his issues are so far beyond his JW upbringing, it's not even funny. He's not your child or your puppy; he is a grown ass man that, from what you are describing, he should get some therapy before he has a relationship w/ anyone. He is being selfish and abusive. Do you really want to live the rest of your life life this? He may say that he loves you (I am assuming, becasue you said that you are engaged), but his actions are proving differently. Take it from someone who was married to an abusive husband for 6 years...cut your losses and move on, because it WILL get worse.
I hope the best for you.
jwd confusion in relationship... help
by jocettejane ini'm having a difficult time with my recently announced fiance.
he happens to be a jwd.
i am not, nore ever have been.
If that's the case, then why would you want to be w/ someone who makes you cry to sleep and cry when you wake up? Sounds like a great guy!